2. unsure.

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They say you meet the love of your life in the most unexpected of ways.

...and little did I know that I'd already met mine—I just wouldn't know it until later on down the line.

Tired from staying up until the wee hours of the morning preparing for my audition, I weakly opened my eyes and groggily threw the covers off of me before dragging my feet, along with the rest of my body, to get up and out of bed.

Thank god it was Saturday.

The only day of the week where I feel like I can kick back, relax, unwind and have time to myself and not worry about anything or anyone else.

According to the time on my phone, it was barely eight o'clock in the morning, which meant I had the whole day to do whatever I wanted up until the party starts, which isn't until way later on this evening.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I threw on some workout clothes and headed straight to the gym to keep up with my daily fitness regimen.

Because of my athletic background, I always like to keep myself fit and in tact.

I like staying in shape and keeping my figure looking just right.

Anyhow, my usual morning routine at the gym went well and not long after, I headed home to shower and then make myself something for breakfast.

I sighed heavily as I closed my eyes, tilting my head back as I leaned against the foggy shower wall.

Almost instantly did a million thoughts begin running through my mind like wildfire.

Only then did I start to visualize that beautiful woman I have yet to know the name of.

Butterflies began fluttering in my stomach at just the mere thought of her.

Damn, this girl's got a tight hold on me.

Oh, how I longed to see her radiant, beautiful self once more, for I felt so starved and deprived of missing her.

...wanting her more and more.

I fantasized endlessly at the thought of her showering in here with me, leaving endless kisses over every single inch of my body, leaving me completely breathless.

I felt electricity flow violently throughout my veins at the visualization of her slowly kissing her way up my feet and to my legs, stopping right at my most prized possession.

I slowly licked my lips as I visualized her looking up at me as she teasingly stroked my member, causing me to grunt lustfully in distress at the feel of her teasing my tip end with the tip of her tongue before fully taking me in her mouth all at once.

Sexual frustration flowed through my veins and entire body with a vengeance as I visualized her pleasing me until my body said otherwise.

After feeling myself on the brink of cumming, she stopped to stand to her feet and smiled beautifully as she leaned in close to me, her beautiful naked body melding perfectly with my own.

She then threw her right leg high up against my left hip, teasingly biting the left corner of her lower lip as she softly caressed my chest with the palms of both of her hands, thoroughly looking my body over before leaning in to embrace with me in the most sexiest of French kisses.

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