Chapter 2

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Authors Note

Welcome to Chapter 2! I had a better response last month to the polls, which is great! I'm looking forward to having more readers participating! Special thanks to those who took part last time!

Now that [Y/N] has reconnected with Yona and Hak, things should start getting interesting!

Also, I've decided that since I'm doing the "Who is you preferred AnY guy for romance?" question with each chapter, I'm going to do it in rounds.  I'm going to add new detailed instructions to the "Welcome" chapter. Basically, every so many chapters, I'm going cut the answers with the least votes from the ballot. I now encourage folks to vote once each chapter. 

Also...I'm not sure if I made Xeno a bit too childish...


Begin Chapter


Yona and [Y/N] continued to talk, the personal attendant questioning her Princess about all the adventures she had been on since leaving Hiryuu Palace. Shockingly, most of what she had learned about the crimson haired beauty was true.

Yona had survived the fall from the cliff, only for Yoon to be the first they encountered to join she and her bodyguard. The pretty pervert had been around a long time then. [Y/N] was not pleased by that.

They had gone looking for the dragons next, finding Kiga first. The more she learned about the different backgrounds of the dragons, the more intrigued [Y/N] was. The sputtering White Dragon, raised with purpose and honored. The Blue Dragon had been shunned and instilled terror, such a lonely existence. The Green Dragon was so out going and light hearted, despite fleeing a future bound in chains, one that should have left him jaded towards humanity. He had been among the pirates. The hyperactive yellow dragon was still something of a mystery.

These four believed Yona to be an actual embodiment of the Red Dragon? A pitiful excuse to cling close to a woman...but then there was that hair....each Dragon seemed to sprout locks in their color, and never before had [Y/N] seen the shade of crimson hair that Yona bore.

The most concerning one was still the Pretty Pervert, Yoon. No one was that good hearted, wanting to save the poor and heal the world for no return. The dragons had their motives, to be close to their red leader. Hak was meant to guard Yona, and the attendant still had her suspicion about his personal feelings. Yona was overly naive and was only just becoming aware of the evils of the world.  But what was Yoon's angle?

[Y/N] looked over at the kettle where the self proclaimed pretty boy was serving the last of the villagers.

"We can eat once they're served," Yona let her know with a smile, "Yoon is a great cook!"

"Hmm..." The attendant really didn't care about his skills with food, "I'm sure he is."

[Y/ N] felt eyes upon her suddenly, and whirled around to see who was watching. There stood Hak, arms folded across his chest as he leaned against the corner of a building, his fierce eyes locked onto the women as though he had been watching the whole time.

He gave her a smirk as she moved in his direction, "Don't worry, you brute. I'm not like these men. There is zero chance of me stealing the Princess away...but  Lady Yona's virtue is my responsibility as her life is yours, and even a bird has her beak and claws."

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