Day 1 - Attack Of The Jin

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-No One's Pov-

"Y/n wake up!" Jin said shaking him. The boy was persistent in his fight against waking up. "I swear you could win awards for not waking up, WAKE UP!" 

After Y/n came back from his night shift last night, he simply crashed onto the futon the boys had set up for him. Why had he come back when he could have just avoided this and gone back to the hell hole? No one is quite sure. Maybe he wanted to humor them for their efforts, maybe he wanted a warm bed, and maybe he wanted to feel like he belongs.  Whatever the cause he was still not getting up at fucking 7:33 am. No way. It was brain abuse, you don't do that someone. 

"Fuck offfff...." Y/n mumbled weakly wiggling his fingers. Jin took in a sharp breath as the younger sweared at him. He waited a second thinking Y/n was now awake but he was sorely disappointed when he heard Y/n's faint snores. Jin crouched down next to him so his face was level with Y/n's. 

"Wake up." Jin said before blowing on Y/n's closed eyelids. They twitched and slowly opened revealing his e/c eyes. Y/n frowned before exhaling out of his mouth at Jin. Jin stumbled back coughing. "WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU BRUSHED YOUR TEETH!?" He screeched. Y/n smirked. 

"Like a week ago maybe. The water at my place tastes disgusting so I don't wash my teeth there and I don't drink the water there either." Y/n mumbled. Kim Seokjin was ready to huff puff and blow several houses down. 

"THAT IS DISGUSTING!! GO BRUSH YOUR TEETH IMMEDIATELY." Jin hollered pointing at the doorway indicating that Y/n should get his ass out of bed and do something productive. In Jin's head, productive meant getting out of bed, getting dressed, eating brushing teeth and hair, the works. 

In Lee Y/n's head, productive meant something along the lines of, "I don't have school and it's 7:40 am. I'm going back to hibernating, wake me up later, and by later I mean never. Peace." and going back to sleep. 

Two very different views on the same word, but that is how it is in the world. Jin could read the word 'Love' and think Awww love, two people with affection for each other. Whereas Y/n could read the word 'Love' and think, Why the hell did you wake me up? 

But opinions and perspective needs to be set aside when dealing with Y/n. He couldn't think less about how much he cared about you felt.

"Lee Y/n, if you do not get out of bed and get ready for the day, I will be bringing in a bucket of ice and then promptly pour it on your head in 5 minutes." Jin warned

It is the rare species of Y/n. The Y/n-ius Speedicus. It is only ever seen when it has been threatened with any sort of substance that will destroy it's nest or it's last sleeping place. It can move at an impressive speed of 29 mph. 

Y/n dashed for the bathroom to use its facilitys. When he reappeared 10 minutes later he was fully dressed, his bed head had been attempted to be tamed, and his once deathly dragon breath was now just dragon breath. But his energetic sprint so early in the morning made him want to fall over and sleep for another century. 

"You guys have green tea or somethin?" He yawned slumping into a chair. Jin tsked and went to make him some caffeine. 

"Do you not drink coffee?" Jin asked confused as to why he asked for bitter tea instead of coffee.

"The point of caffeine is to keep me stable all day, I put too much sweetener in my coffee so it no longer is coffee but is sugar with a dash of coffee on the side." He mumbled blowing at the the steam rising off the hot water. "So you guys mentioned a camp or something like that?" He asked with a touch of cautiousness in his voice.

"Yes," Jin leaned forward in his seat, "You have the week off from school and everyday, all week, you'll be spending the day with one of the BTS members."

"You guys have met me literally once."

{Tear Stains} BTS x Male reader(suicidal)Where stories live. Discover now