Dylan (edited)

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6.204.991 likes|5.114.492 comments

Official_dylan: nobody dies as a virgin. Life f*cks us all.

Rose_xxx: tea                          3.481 likes

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Official_dylan: @Rose_xxx the tea is hot
Rosefan: @Rose_xxx @Official_dylan what is going on?

Dylanfan: You're so hot!          184 likes

Jazzy: just facts!                        202 likes       

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Official_dylan: @Jazzy go off sis!
Dylanisthebest: @Official_dylan lol

TylerRay: you know it bro!     163 likes

Justhate: where are your lips? 21 likes

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Sunissun: @Justhate lmao
Getyouthemoon: @Justhate right?

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Instagram   Rose and Dylan. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt