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Arty stared at the sleeping form in front of her, feeling a mix of guilty and agony. 

She definitely looked different than she remembered. Still young and beautiful, although her cheeks had a paler aspect now. There was indeed something kissable about her lips, that seemed to almost smile. She slept peacefully. More peaceful than she had already been one day, Arty suspected. I hope nightmares aren't being tough on you this time, she thought.

The girl felt something aching inside her - not her shoulder, although that hurt too, but in her heart. The urge to protect her took over her. There's nothing I can do. Tears full of sorrow escaped from her desperate eyes when her legs failed, and the weight in her heart was such she fell down on her knees beside the bed.

She took Aurora's hand on her own and, when she kissed it, only one thought occurred to her. She wondered what she was dreaming about... 

sleeping beauty - revisitedWhere stories live. Discover now