Labor and Titans

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

"Levi!" You called. Just then Levi came through the door. "(Y/N) what is it!? Is the baby coming!?"He asked frantically. "You freak out to much Levi. But I called you because I felt like something was wrong." Levi gave you a quizzical look.

"Well let me go check on the food that I left on the stove and then you could tell me what's wrong, okay?" You nodded your head and he shut the door and left to the kitchen. You felt kinda bad that you were keeping Levi from work.

Both of you are in the Survey Corps and once you found out that you were pregnant you asked for a temporary leave of absence. Of course Levi being the stubborn guy he is would ask for one aswell even if you tryed your best to talk him out of it.

Now here you are 9 months of just you and Levi. You were due any day now and there was word going around that the titans were going to breach wall Maria. Levi would tell you time and time again that it wasn't likely to happen.

You were pulled out of your thoughts by a huge bang. You looked out of the window and saw the Colossal Titan. Levi bursted through the door putting on his gear. "(Y/N) come on Titans are coming!"

"What do you expect me to do? I can't use my 3DMG." Levi face palmed at that. "Well I want you to go to the roof of the house and stay there. I won't stray to far from the house so none will get you alright?" You nodded your head and got up and headed to the roof with help from Levi.

"Just stay here okay?" You nodded. He kissed your forehead and left. You stood there caressing your significantly big belly. Please Levi come back safely.

Levi P.O.V.

I needed to take care of this fast! I can't just leave (Y/N) there alone. She's pregnant and due any day now! "Erwin! We need to patch the hole in the wall!" Erwin just looked at me stunned. "We can't patch it up! We've already tried we need to evacuate everyone and move them to wall Sina now!" I nodded and headed home.

"Levi!" I looked towards the house and saw (Y/N) in the grasp of a 15 meter titan. When she layed eyes on me she mouthed 'The baby's coming.'

Normal P.O.V.

Once Levi saw his wife say that he went crazy and killed the titan. Before (Y/N) could fall Levi swooped down and caught her. She immediately cringed in pain. "Levi hurry. The baby's coming."

Levi waisted no time in picking (Y/N) up and maneuvering towards HQ. He met up with Hanji and Petra along the way and helped him by killing any titans that were around.

Once they made it to the HQ Levi took her to through the halls of headquarters to the infirmary with Hanji and Petra following behind. Levi set (Y/N) down on the infirmary bed and held her hand. "I'm here (Y/N). Forever and always." He said grasping her hand. "Okay (Y/N) now just give me one big push."Hanji instructed.

*12 hours later*

Levi P.O.V.

"Let me go clean them up and then you guys can name them."Hanji said leaving to clean the babies up. "Who could've thought? We're going to be parents of 2 kids." (Y/N) sighed. "Yeah but at least I get to see them grow up with you."I smirked.

"Okay here are the babies."Hanji said carrying the 2. "So for the boy its going to be..." Hanji started. "Eren, Eren Ackerman." (Y/N) finished. "Okay what about the girl?" Petra asked. "Mikasa, Mikasa Ackerman." I answered. "Well here are your kids they both said handing us the 2. I got Mikasa while (Y/N) got Eren.

How did I ever get so lucky as to be married to (Y/N) and have begin a family with her? All I know is that this will be the start of a better life. They will be my motivation to extinguish every titan so my wife and kids can experience a world without fear and sorrow.

So what did you guys think of the first chapter. There will be many more to come just wait. ☆★☆★☆

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