Hello all,

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Hello all, I am Loury Tomlinson. I am the devil’s daughter (I’m not that bad). I have an older brother, his name is Larry (real original I know). Me and my brother have been tasked with studying humans and their culture. We are also being watched by an ‘angel’ named Kacey (she’s only half angel) because the big man upstairs doesn’t trust my dad or us whatsoever, so he sent the general’s daughter to watch us and make sure there is no funny business. I like her, she’s actually really cool. She told us that her mother is a goddess and that she is the first goddess-angel hybrid ever, which I thought was neat, her parents are star-crossed lovers, torn apart by their families and their allegiances, that just sounds so romantic to me that they just kept going and even made a family together. Larry thinks she’s cool too, they like a lot of the same things (they should be dating at this point), they both try to be the voice of reason when I go of the wall.

Earth is so beautiful, the sunsets and sunrises are so vibrant and colorful. Reds, oranges, pinks, blues, and yellows, splashed in the sky like a glorious painting, oh it is to die for, and the landscapes, rolling emerald hills, sapphire blue oceans as wide as the whole world, even the brownish green swamps full of tiny creatures are lovely. I have never seen such wonderful things in my life. I lived all my life in Hell, down there the only thing you see day in and day out is a crimson red sky and dusky red fog. I love my home, but it isn’t the most stunning thing in the world (at least to me). Dad said that when he was on earth his favorite thing was the sights and the people, he said how wonderful the mortal world is and how different each person is and can be.

Dad doesn’t want us to be up here long, but I can’t help but to long for the same freedom as the humans, the unique experience that so many mortals have, that I know I can never truly understand. I still want that life, to be whatever you want, whatever you dream, you can really live life.  I don’t want to just be the daughter of the devil, I want to be something, something great, something special, something different. I want to choose my own fate, not live a life that was already picked out for me. I know I sound ungrateful for what I have, and I should probably just shut up and except the life I was given like Larry, but I can’t now that I know there is a whole new world of possibilities. Larry knows what I’m feeling, he dreamed for more once, but he gave up and accepted his lot in life. I should just do the same thing and not make a fuss, but I remember dad told us to grab life by the horns and demand more from it, he told us to dream big and to fight for what you hold dear. I love the human world and I want to stay, but I don’t think I can fight for it like dad said.

I wish there was an easy way to get what I want without the consequences. Maybe I can make a deal with the devil, she thinks ironically because her dad is satan and he would flip if I asked him that.


I just want to be free from my fate, free from the path that I am set on. I want to carve my own way through life.


Please someone, something come along and free me from endless boredom.


That got my attention, I look up to see Larry behind me with a bag, it looks fully packed and almost falling apart at the seems.

“Ready yet?”

He looks tired and totally out of it, he never was a morning person.

“Uhh, no. Sorry bro I was doing stuff.”

He raises an eyebrow at that, he knows me too well to fall for my bullshit. He knows full well I wasn’t doing anything, but lets hope he doesn’t say anything.

“No you were not ‘doing stuff’ you were sitting in here doing nothing, weren’t you?”

Damn, mission failed, alright plan B.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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