Alive In Love: Getting Better: Chapter 2

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Sophia's POV

As I eyed the drugstore, my body was taking me towards it. I wanted to encounter its belongings and use them for my own goods.

"Please help. . ." I muttered under my breath while it shook the doorknob roughly. "Open!" I yelled. I was extremely anxious and in need of supplies.

Once I used all my force to push the door open, I took a deep breath and stood up straight. I took one step on the bricked floor, loud growls were sounding loud and clear.

"Walker." I whispered, gripping my knife.

The ugly creature came out from behind the counter, moving it's jaw up and down. It's rotten teeth looked ready to be sunk in my skin, ready to infect me.

"Disgusting." I whispered, biting my tongue in disgust, obviously. I sniffed and used the back of my hand to wipe the sweat forming on my forehead.

A series of loud breaths began while I watched the shuffle it's way towards me, stumbling as it made its way from behind the counter. Once it got close enough I swung my sharp knife to its forehead, digging it in to its skull. I didn't stop, I kept going, reaching down to its lifeless heart.

"Worthless, rotten, dead, lifeless, pale, ugly, monster. . ." I mumbled only what I saw in the creature, then a small gut of guilt took over the pit of my stomach. I cannot let these things change me, for they have been something before. I stood and put my bloody knife in the hook of my belt, wiping my jeans with the palm of my hands. Then, I gave the lifeless walker a simple glance.

"You'll be in a better place now, I'm sorry I treated your corpse this way, but I put you out of your misery. Your soul will now watch over me from above. . ." Sobs escaped my pale lips, along with a single tear. "I'm lonely, speaking to rotten death ain't gonna help me."

As the words slipped out from my mouth, I mentally stopped myself. I won't get sad, we don't get to get sad in a world like this. You just pretend everything is okay. That's how you go through it and survive.

I eyed the drugstore and walked through the isles, filling my bag with canned foods, water bottles, juices, personal needs, and the rest with non-expired candies. I took an extra water bottle and canned food, more like corn, and sat myself down on a counter.

Quickly, I opened the water bottle and took big gulps of water. I felt so much better, I could feel the nice sensation of refreshment travel throughout my body. When I finished the bottle, I went over to my food and ate it calmly. I set the empty can down next to me, along with the water bottle and just swung my feet forwards and backwards while they hung from the counter.

I took a deep breath, feeling my lips curve upwards into a smile. Right then, I knew I was getting better.

Carl's POV

I stomped my feet down the stairs, turning my heel and walking in the kitchen, where I found my dad speaking to Michonne.

"Excuse me, I'm going on a run." I let them know, beginning to pat my holster for my gun and checking my pockets for extra bullets.

"Says who, and why?" My dad asked annoyed, obviously not liking the idea.

"Rick, we kind of need the supplies..." Michonne got in, thank you, someone smart.

"Yeah, and its close by. Here in this neighborhood actually. I'll be fine, trust me?" I practically begged

"Son, please stay safe." My dad simply nodded, looking at me with re-assuring eyes, which I glared back at him with, shooting him a smile.

I moved my feet towards an empty bag and grabbed it, putting it over my shoulder. I walked over to the big door that lead outside, then placed my hand on the doorknob and twisted it gently, stepping outside.

Once I shut the door behind me, I hurried towards the drugstore only blocks away. I needed to come back before sundown, so I quickened my pace.

. . .

I made it to the drugstore. The door was half open, meaning someone was here.

"Shit.." I whispered under my breath and took my gun out fast.

I held it in front of me and slowly moved my feet over to the door. To the count of three, I kicked the door open and it seemed silent, peaceful. When I lowered my gun, my eyes only caught a glare of the girl who turned me dark because of her beautiful disappearance.

"S-Sophia. . ." I nearly broke into sobs saying her name. I watched her gulp and the scared expression on her face turned. When her eyes looked at mine, I only saw something that would aluminize my darkness into something better, into brightness. She was my brightness. Then, a big smile crept among her lips, and she pushed her body off the counter.

"Carl!" She breathed, then her eyes began getting watery. I opened arms out for her and she ran into them, wrapping hers around my torso. She dug her head in the crook of my neck and I made sure to hold her securely in the safety of my arms.

"Sophia, I can't believe this, I-I thought you. . . How--" Words couldn't explain my happiness. I saw my brightness, one I missed that was missing, had gone missing. But now I have it in my arms, I have her in my arms. She's been found, and I'm not losing her again.

"Carl, I knew I'd find you, I-I'm not-- I didn't think you guys were-- And you. . ." Sophia just chuckled, she couldn't fit her words either. That made me smile.

We pulled away and eyed each other, both shocked at how much we've changed. She looks beautiful, her eyes would speak for her more than her mouth would, her hair was still light reddish, and her freckles only made her cuter. Then her body, it's thin and it has a beautiful figure. Her clothing was normal, like everyone else's. Torn, but they fit. She had nice combat boots on, with long socks tucked in them. But then, she broke the five seconds of silence.

"Um, are you here to get supplies?" Her soothing voice snapped me out of my thoughts, then she walked over to her bag and handed it to me. "Here, we can take these. I took most of what's left."

I love how she said 'we'. I won't have to beg her to come with me, because that's what she chose. Me.

"Yeah, alright. This will do, thanks." I gripped the bag and swung it over my shoulder, nodding slightly and taking her hand in mine, leading her outside. She didn't ask any other questions, meaning she trusts me this much. I'm not a stranger to her, I thought, she has faith in you.

Sophia's POV

I still cannot believe the past thirty minutes of my life. I've been waiting for this moment to happen for years. I've wanted to be found practically since I got lost. Now, Carl found me. He saved me out of my loneliness, out of my broken faze.

I'm gonna be stronger now. I'm gonna be satisfied by what I'm gonna receive and I'm gonna satisfy back. I'm going to help whoever helps me. I'm gonna live, other days, I was just surviving. Now I'll get to live, to be different. I haven't spoken to anyone else ever since I got lost, so I wasn't just gonna let this one chance slip by. I was tired of being lonely.

I didn't ask Carl where he was taking me because I didn't care. I was with someone, I was with him. That's just so much to have, it's enough. I know he'll protect me. I trust his instincts, I trust him. We still have a lot to catch up on, but we will do so when we reach the temporary home that I'm unknown of.

But most importantly, everything was gonna get better.

Author's Note:

This took me two hours, so I really do hope you guys like it ;)

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