17| jungkook...

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I woke up in pitch black, blinking the sleepiness from my eyes. "What is this place?" I called out, into the darkness. "Where am I? Who's there?" I tried moving my arms, but my wrists were tightly bound behind my back.

"Where the fuck am I?" I yelled out. I shuffled my legs, discovering that my ankles were also bound tightly together. "Taehyung?" I whispered, feeling frightened. "Where are you?"

"Ah, so you know my son, huh?"

My head whipped up to the sound of the voice, but my eyes could not find the owner. There was a crack of light, coming from my left, and I squinted to make out a figure coming towards me. I allowed myself a second to adjust to the sliver of brightness, and found that my kidnapper was male. He looked like a guy in his fifties, with features that resembled a lot to Taehyung's. I frowned, "who are you?"

The man tilted his head to the side, and smirked. "Kim Jisung. Your boyfriend's father." (a/n: That's not Taehyung's actual dad, so don't search it up)

I narrowed my eyes, at Taehyung's so-called father, "what makes you think that I can trust your words?" He sent me a smirk, "you don't need to. Just think of me as your boss, for the rest of your life." His words chilled me, "what do you mean? Where am I? Why are you doing this?"

Kim Jisung raised his shoulders, languidly. "Hmm, where to begin."

His eyes glinted, "why don't I tell you the whole story?"

~A Few Years Ago~

"Make sure to shoot me in the chest, but nothing vital. I want it to look like I actually died, to fool Taehyung." The man before me frowned, but nodded, hesitantly. "Sir, if I may ask..."

An eyebrow twitched up, "what is it?"

"Why do you want to play this elaborate scheme anyway? What's the point? Why do you need Taehyung to think that you're dead?"

I scoffed at his questions, "oh simple. I fucking hate that kid with all of my being."

The man frowned, and tilted his head to the side, waiting for further explanations. Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair. "Hmm, let's see how I should put this. Mmm, that's not my kid. Apparently my wife was cheating on me, and conveniently had that child at the right time. The one thing I don't accept is disloyalty. So, I killed the bitch, and sent her to hell, where she'll see me agian, one day." I leaned my back against the wall, and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Seeing Taehyung reminds me of her, and how much I'd loved her. I guess she didn't feel the same. Honestly, I should've killed the kid, too, when I had the chance. But, now he's grown into the mafia life, and his skills have almost exceeded my own. He'll easily deflect any attack that I throw at him. So? What to do? I'll fake my own death, and take you and a few others. We're leaving this goddamned country, and we're making a new gang some place else. I don't want to see Taehyung happy, while I'm rotting in self-pity and anger. I don't want to see him smile, and I most definitely don't want to see him find love. I don't want to see him acheive something that I didn't."

The man's frown never changed, but he made no further comment. "If that's what you wish, sir," he murmured simply, before leaving the room.

Sighing, I closed my eyes.

Only a few more days until I can escape that brat.



I stared at Kim Jisung in horror, as he finished his tale, with a wide sadistic grin. "It's been a great few years, without having to see that son of a bitch. I've never felt so young." The grin suddenly wiped off, just as quickly as it came. "Then, I heard that the leader of the top mafia gang of South Korea's got a weakness. I looked into it, out of curiosity, and found that Taehyung brought my old group to the top most feared. Selling the most drugs in the black markets, and blowing up the most gangs. Old reports stated that he was the coldest, most dangerous person on the streets with a nice old bounty on his head."

Mr. Kim smirked, "but the new reports have said that he's grown soft. And for no other than the infamous son of the disbanded Jeon Group."

He shoved his hands into his coat pockets, a malicious gleam in his eyes. "Enjoy your stay here, Jeon Jungkook. I've looked into you, you know. Got kidnapped out of your father's group, and even took part in killing him. What a disobedient son. Well, I'll have you know that kind of attitude won't be tolerated here."

I sent him the coldest glare, that I could muster, in my tired state. I wanted Taehyung.

Mr. Kim began walking away, but suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Oh...how's your English?"

"It's alright, I suppose," I answered, stiffly; slightly confused, by the question.

A smirk tugged at the old man's lips. "Good. You'll be needing it here, in America. My new gang doesn't really know Korean that much."

Oh, I am fucked. How the hell am I supposed to get out here, now? I don't even know where I am.

How the hell am I supposed to get to Taehyung now?

"Good night, Jungkook," Mr. Kim sing-songed, before the door slammed shut, enveloping me in darkness, once again.

I, finally, let the tears flow.

"Taehyung..." I sobbed.

"Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung."


I've taken your precious boyfriend, and you're never going to be able to see him ever again. I hope your savored all of those happy moments that you two had together, because you won't be creating anymore.

-Someone you knew

I crumpled up the letter, and chucked it into the fireplace. "Fucking, fuck!" I roared.

My friends watched me stomp around and curse. "How the fuck will I find him now!" I tore my hands through my hair. "H-how do I get him back now?" I whimpered, crumbling to my knees.


I know y'all probably hate me, right now, but just let the plot run okay? It will all make sense in the end.



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