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basic information.

gwen forster


october seventeenth.



cause of death.
disengrated by thanos

thug (formerly)



GWEN is often seen as or thought
of as a sweet looking girl with soft
features and light coloured eyes.

SHE has long brown brunette
hair that falls around her mid
back that's often braided into a
half-do when she's in her alter-ego

THE enhanced training she
had as a pre-teen through early adult
years helped earn her a feared
spot where she lived on the streets,
for she would take down anyone who
dare threaten her.

SHE is usually in the attir of black
jeans, sturdy knee high black boots,
and straps to hold her fighting gear, as
well as a mission ready top.


GWEN is described as a remorseful and full of regret after the tragedy in her home city she blames herself to have caused. But in her early years she was quiet child who kept to herself, never letting anyone too close for the fear they might hurt her. When it comes to a battle she always has a sturdy head on her shoulders a strong will to take out the enemies, often called a great future leader. Although she is also sarcastic and gets snippy, she also has a soft side and the smallest things, like braiding hair calm her down when she's anxious.


Gwen was from New York City, the daughter of scientist trying to find away to make a person war ready by enhanced training. Her parents decided by the time she was twelve, she was ready for the the training, and by fourteen, she was trained, ready to fight off any opponent that may stand in the way, ans before the training could be revealed to the world, her parents and their staff were massacred by a group of masked enemies, making Gwen all alone, no known family she would live with.

When she started living on the streets, sleeping in any trash pile or up against any wall she could, or even scrounging up food from behind diners, and even becoming a thug. One night during her look for food she was cut off by three men, each of them coming towards her in attempts of an attack, only to be take down by the now fifteen year old. After this encounter she met a girl who watched from the corner, a girl named Clara Shaw (portrayed by Eliza Taylor) the two became fast friends, Gwen teaching her a little of what it took to survive, and Clara giving Gwen ways to calm down when she grows too anxious, they called one another sisters.

One fateful night at the age of twenty, when Gwen was gathering food and other supplies, she was caught by the owner, a vicious and ruthless man who took Gwen by force and commanded his men to massacre the large house for homeless people, a large abandoned apartment area that squared for two buildings. The boss making sure everyone was dead let her go. He wanted her to pay by stealing from him.

Gwen was torn and broken finding the limp and dead body of Clara, she sat with Clara's body, holding the girl in her lap as she sobbed, the last family she had left was gone. She was heard and found by a woman later she would know as Natasha Romanoff.

She was twenty-one when she became an Avenger, her first mission was Loki's attack on New York.


Y'all, i haven't roleplayed an oc in two years, let alone make this type of information format. Explaining backstories isn't exactly my strongsuit i guess I'd be better as time goes if the roleplay continues.

I will have a book of rules as well as a starters book and admin book so uh, stay tuned?


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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