Chapter 8

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I sigh as I walk along the street. I had called upon Aries to help me with catching a few thieves with her cotton cloud, and she was more than happy to do so. I gave her a bag of cookies to eat in the guild hall as a reward because she did use a lot of magic to catch them and transport them to a nearby station in a pink cloud so they couldn't escape.

She was happily munching on said cookies while I summoned Leo to have a talk with him. "Open, Gate of the Lion." I calmly raised my key. Leo had gotten summoned within seconds, immediately making his way over to Aries to ask about what I had made her do. I saw that Aries had to bat his hand away from her precious rewards almost as soon as he was convinced she was unharmed.

I giggle to myself, grabbing the attention of Gray who sat next to me... With no clothes... "For the love of god, Gray! Clothes!" I look away and shield my blushing face. I could hear him panicking as he looked around the table. I opened my eyes and looked back over. Aries was looking away, fuming, while Leo was gulping the, now almost crushed cookies, down.

I looked away when he directed his attention to my general vicinity and sighed. Gray was pulling on his shirt. I could hear Juvia in the background muttering "Love Rival Number 2..." behind me somewhere, but I chose to ignore her for a moment. I laid my head on the table and sighed, soon getting interrupted by a soft tug on a strand of my hair.

I open my eyes and sit up, looking in the general vicinity of whoever must have been standing. There stood Leo, a few crumbs on the sides of his mouth. He stood over the table, smiling a genuine looking smile as he looked at me. "So, what did you really summon me for~? Are we finally getting married like you promised?"

"Huh!? When did I ever say that?" He looked shocked for a moment and then smiled while an "ahh..." sound escaped his lips.

"Must have been in one of my dreams." He placed a hand on my shoulder, smirking. "But in all seriousness, what did you call me for? It couldn't have been to eat cookies."

I smile at him. "I wanted to talk to you, is that so hard?" He looked at me and lifted an eyebrow.
"Is that all?" I keep my cool.
"Yesss.?" He laughed.
"What else did you call me for?" I sigh and shrug.

"I don't know, I had Aries walking around so I decided to call you too... I guess. I don't know, blame my head if I interrupted you. I honestly have no clue other than to talk to you." Leo 'tsked' me and wiggled his pointer finger back and forth.

"I always have time for you, darling~ Now what did you want to talk to your prince about?"

"How was your day in the Celestial World?" He tilted his head.

"I said, how was your day/however long it has been in the Celestial World?" He tapped his finger on his chin.

"Honestly, it's been boring. Nothing really happens in the Celestial World. I talked to Aries about a topic I can't tell you, but other than that nothing really happened. How was your... How have you been?"

"I've been fine. I've been calling you and Aries daily for a week now for about 5 hours so I think I'm getting stronger. Have you noticed a difference in your power levels at all?" He nodded his head.

"Very big difference. Maybe try calling 3 for 5 hours. It may strain you, but it'll boost your power even more and you get to talk to your wonderful and handsome prince~" He struck a mighty pose, causing me to smile and maybe let out a little giggle... Or two.

I could feel eyes piercing my back. I turned my head to look, only to see Aries and a white-haired girl conversing. Aries didn't even look away, she just blushed at what Mira was saying and nodded her head.

I don't know why, but I think they're planning something... Mira sent a wink my way, and then Leo was running a hand through my hair, messing up my hair. I looked back, and Aries and Mira were squealing. Oh no...

The Celestial Tournament - Loke x Reader - Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now