A Dance with the Devil

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??? P.O.V.

Y͝ ҉o̧ u ͠ j ̡u ş t ͝ ͘n̶ e e͠ d ͢ ͟t o ͘ l e͟ ̧t  m̧ e̛  ̀i͞ ͏n͡..

I t ́s ͞ ̀a s̸ ̸ s͟ i ͠m̢ ͝p ̕l͢ e ̨ a̛ ͞s̢ ͏ ̛t͝ ͟h҉ a t͜..

The table and chairs we were using glitch out of existence and we're standing again. It takes me by surprise but I recover quickly before looking at him. His hand hangs in the air in front of me, and the only sound that is heard is the ringing that pierces the air around us. I won't be.. hurt anymore? That's all I need to do? The void surrounding us is unmoving, it's eerie darkness stagnant as his words rolled around in my head. But.. what if it's a trick? He was created not to care wasn't he? A social manipulator.. A quiet noise had started at the back of my mind, urging me to say okay, to say yes. Maybe.. Maybe I should do it.. I have nothing left to lose anymore.. My fear at this point had dwindled into nothing, disappearing to the back of my mind as if it had never existed in the first place. No one cares for me anymore.. at this point, he's probably the closest I've ever gotten to a friend.. His smile seems genuine, never faltering as I think about my decision, his eyes were hidden but his patience and posture seemed to tell me not to worry, to not be afraid. I attempt to look away from him, only to find myself captivated, locked in his gaze, the ringing piercing my ears once more. I lift my hand, glancing at his. It hadn't moved, it was still hovering in front of me like Nightshade berries in the Summer. I look back up to him, the ringing fading to a quiet muffled sound, the voices in my head fading with it. The darkness in his eyes were welcoming, spreading and covering everything else around me. I take a deep, cautious breath and rest my hand in his. It's freezing and I shudder as it closes around my warm hand tightly.

Then, I feel it.. A slight burn in my hand before the air around the both of us starts warping and changing. The shadows in the void start to weave and crawl around us, slithering through and around each other, never touching. The darkness covering his eyes move and dance across his features as he takes a slow step towards me, his black eyes still holding mine. His smile becomes a grin as the darkness around him becomes menacing, lashing out at the shadows. It dances around him as the air around me starts to change. Moving away from me when I take a breath in and moving closer when I let a breath out. It wraps and spins around me, breathing slowly as if waiting for the perfect moment to strike. I can sense my fear, but I can't feel it. The shadows start to move faster, dancing to a soundless melody, drawing my attention from my thoughts, which immediately become a silent drone in the back of my mind. The darkness around him curls and menacingly slithers it's way down his arm towards me, and yet, my fear still refuses to surface.

I start to feel uncomfortable from the length of contact between us and I try to break the grip he has on my hand. The aura around him starts to expand slowly, the red and blue that surrounds him making it harder to see him. Suddenly, it seems to break for a moment as I start to release his hand from my grip. In that moment the wall that had been holding my fear shatters and crashes over me. My droned thoughts come back and I start to realize what I had done. He seems to immediately realize what has happened and pulls me closer. I look away from his eyes and try to get my hand free. The shadows around us continue to dance hypnotically, swaying and moving to the still silent melody it hears. The darkness around Dark however, was still making its way towards me, it's toxicity so powerful I was starting to understand why it was always so dreary. He pulls me closer and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

He lets go of my hand and I immediately turn to push him off me only to feel him grab my chin and move my head up to look at him. The black in his eyes start dancing, moving slowly like smooth silk to another silent song. My fear starts to melt away and I quickly close my eyes. I could feel the shadows still dancing around us and the cold of the darkness crawling around my arm.

A Dance with the Devil(Possibly more shortstories later)Where stories live. Discover now