At the End of the Day

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Prompt: It was random and silly and barely 1 o'clock in the morning, but they found themselves dancing in the darkened living room to no music and a whole lot of laughter.

One week into their honeymoon, the not-to-be-called-until-its-a-matter-of-life-and-death phone at the bed side table started ringing. Ava let out a groan, annoyed by the constant shrill that woke her. To her surprise, Sara was still in deep sleep.

Still in haze of her interrupted rest, she quickly rubbed her eyes and looked at the digital clock. It read 2:03 AM. Ava attempted to reach the phone but her body was glued to the bed by her wife's arm wrapped around her torso.

"Sara, wake up your phone is ringing" She slightly nudged her and kissed her forehead.

"What? What time is it?" Sara stirred and absentmindedly reaches for the phone in darkness.

"Who calls this early? Unless it's the legends again being idio..." It took only a few seconds of realization. Ava didn't even finish the sentence when Sara shot straight up and quickly answers the call.

Gideon's voice was a comfort and a reminder of home. As much as it makes Sara miss work and her family of misfits, she never dreaded a Gideon update this much "I'm sorry to interrupt Captain Lance but there is a level 9 anachronism and the legends insisted they needed to solve something adventurous and complicated" the British AI said with a hint of shame in her voice, if it was even possible.

"How in the world did you guys manage to destroy the succession line of United Kingdom?" Sara stormed out of the portal to see the defeated legends gathered in the Bridge.

"Hey Captain? How's Mrs. Captain?" Ray enthusiastically asked in hopes to lighten up the mood and erase the glare from their Captain's eyes. After an angry Ava went through the portal in her crisp Time Bureau suit and impossibly neat bun, he regretted asking the question.

"Disappointed" One word but it was cold. Ava mentally noted to apologize because the word slipped too harsh even for her. The legends were good friends and became her family the moment she married Sara, maybe even long before then, but there was no denying the fact that the legends can be a pain in her ass.

"We may or may not have been responsible for a feud between Mary and Elizabeth" Both Sara and Ava's head snapped to Zari who was fidgeting a dagger in her hand.

"Gideon? What's the status of the timeline?" Nate asked. The confused looks in the Captain and the Director's faces grew as Gideon showed the images on the screen.

"In this version of history Dr. Heywood, Elizabeth didn't name James the VI of Scotland as her heir. The Virgin Queen died and England was invaded by Rome and its allies. England was then returned to Catholicism which resulted to deaths of millions. Currently, England is now a 3rd world country ruled by a dictator named Stefano Mancini"

After hours of planning and a few more of executing their plan the Legends finally fixed the anachronism and restored the timeline as they always do.

Back at the waverider the legends were busy celebrating in their own way. Nate was in the library again trying to internalize that he held the future king of England in his steel arms when Mick almost dropped the baby in the basket from his horse. Wally and Zari were in the lab trying to best each other in pacman for the umpteenth time. Mick, enjoying his late lunch of 5 bottles of beer in the galley and Ray found himself in the captain's office apologizing to Sara who was downing scotch.

"I know that you have put me in charge Sara and I know that as Captain per tempore while you and the missus are in your, well...ummm" Ray blushed as he struggled in finding the right words knowing that Sara would 'kill' him if he were treading the wrong waters. "Anyhow, I am deeply sorry for the trouble I have caused and I ..."

Ray's constant babble stopped when Sara raised her hand. The color dropped from the atom's face and would have fainted if he didn't notice the smile plastered across the Captain's face. "why... why are you smiling? Oh God Sara please don't kill me" Ray immediately blocked his face with his hands when Sara stood from her chair. He almost whimpered when he felt a hand touch his shoulder

"Open your eyes Ray" Sara said with a gentle voice. The tall man relaxed a bit and peeked with one eye. "Captain's aren't perfect. I screw up all the time. We just have to learn from our mistakes. As much as I'd love to give you a pep talk, I have an interrupted honeymoon to get back to" The Captain tapped his shoulder and opened a portal with the use of her very own time courier (which Ava is letting slide so she could go home anytime she wants).

Sara finds herself in their empty bedroom in Ava's cozy apartment in Starling City. She removes her jacket and places it in the hamper in the closet. The place is too quiet which could only mean two things; either Ava is sleeping or is working. Seeing that the bed is empty she assumed that her wife was still in the time bureau headquarters. She was confused though because when she stared at the clock it was past midnight.

Stupid temporal zone time. She thought to herself clearly guilty that she had Ava waiting for her. But where was Ava?

"Hey Aves?" Sara called out as she was walking down the stairs.

"Down here" she heard a familiar voice call out. She relaxed upon seeing her newly wedded wife in their dining area. The table was stacked neatly with color coded folders and binders and a few stray paper was scattered here and there. Ava was sipping on coffee in her pajamas.

"Couldn't sleep so I decided to be extra productive" The taller blonde said still busy with the paper work in front of her. She felt her wife's warmth as her arms wrap around her and she completely melts into it.

Sara placed a kiss on Ava's neck and squeezed her arm. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting and I'm sorry that we have to work today"

"Don't be silly. This was inevitable; I'm surprised our peace and quiet even lasted for a week" Ava let out a giggle and kissed her wife's hand.

The shorter blonde tugs her wife's hand inviting her to stand up "Come here"

A couple of steps later they were kissing in the darkened living room with nothing but the moonlight penetrating the windows. Sara's lips were gentle, full of love and apologizing. Their kiss was slow and soft. Ava's hands were wrapped around Sara's waist and the shorter blonde has her arms in her wife's neck.

Their foreheads meet and little laughs escaped both their lips. A few seconds later they were moving, slowly at first with Sara leading each step. They found themselves dancing to their steady breaths and heart beats.

"Were dancing" Ava whispered with her eyes still closed.

Sara's nose crinkled. "Yeah, you're quite alright for a person with two left feet"

"You...."Ava laughs. The same beautiful laugh Sara keeps on looking forward to hear every single day. The laugh that keeps on stealing her heart and the very same laugh that keeps her coming home. "..Are infuriating Mrs. Lance"

"Its part of my irresistible charm" The shorter blonde winks; at least for her standards. Ava on the other hand thinks that Sara needs a little more practice. So she laughs again, her head slightly tilted back and shaking.

Suddenly they stopped swaying and Sara twirled Ava and dipped her. "Oh my god Sara!" She squealed and laughed a little louder this time.

"You fell in love with me because of this wink. Don't laugh at it Mrs. Lance" Sara said in a stern voice and kissed Ava passionately before pulling her back up.

"I'm crazy in love with you" The taller blonde whispered.

"Because of the wink?" Ava laughs once more and nodded (more like a half nod half shake situation)

Their foreheads met again and swayed to the silence in their living room. Sara was the best in keeping promises. So she made one for the love of her life; a promise to be the very person that makes Ava Lance laugh every single day

And so she did, without fail.

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