Chapitre Deux

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There are times when you think everything is finally settled in your life. After going through so much, you believe that it can go nowhere but up. There are times, however, when life has a different idea and decides to a throw a twist into your life.

The arrival of a group of werewolves in our town was that twist. According to Nana, a werewolf hasn't stepped foot since she first arrived here 37 years ago. Even then, she believes she was the first one in what could possibly be decades.

That being said, it was all very odd. Despite the fact that it was neutral land, other packs respected the land as if it was only for the humans and believed its peace should not be disturbed. The only way the area was accessed was merely for travel and never as a place to stay- even for a night.

Nana was hesitant to stay here for that exact reason. She, however, was desperate for shelter. Seeing as she no longer belonged to a pack, she figured there would be no harm in staying for a bit. As time passed,though, she grew to love this place and couldn't see herself abandoning it whatsoever. 

She was fitting in as a normal human being, so what harm could be possibly made?

Nana considered herself a human now; she had not shifted since her second year here. That being said, her wolf could have possibly died by now. I say possibly because she hasn't bothered to check otherwise. Seeing as she could no longer hear its thoughts, she figured it was no longer existent.

That came at a price.

Because of her denial, she grew ill.

Nana is now faced with heart problems. Any form of stress or heavy activity can make her relapse. With the werewolves in town, she was frantic to protect us from any form of harm. Her heartbeat was increasing progressively, calling forth the need of her medication and/or a doctor. Yet, her bottle was now somehow empty.

"I refuse to let you go," Nana pleaded.

She was worried the werewolves would take notice of me as soon as I left home. I was willing to risk that for her. She had done so much for me that this would only prove to be a fraction of what I owed her. I had already lost my real family; I wasn't about to lose her as well.

"It's for your well-being," I replied.

"I have lived long enough," she responded, "I'm surprised I haven't passed."

I looked towards the other girls, giving them a look to distract her while I sneaked out.  They nodded apprehensively before doing what they were told.

I grabbed my coat off the chair beside me and snatched the keys off the counter. I glance over once more before quietly leaving the house without a noise.

I trudge down the stairs of our dainty cabin quickly and head in the direction of town.

Our home just so happens to be on the edge of town on a lone street. It was the only place Nana was able to find given her financial situation upon her arrival.

Not only was it well off from the rest of the homes, but it looked fresh out of a horror film. I do not in any way mean this house is haunted.  It simply was in the worst of conditions as it fell apart from age.

From what I've seen in a picture demonstrated to me, the house simply looked creepy.  I could see why the owner was so ecstatic to take Nana up on her offer and simply get rid of it at last.

I was in for a quite a trip, especially this late at night. Because of our distance, we weren't blessed with some of the resources others were.

The street lights had given out a few months back. There was absolutely nothing illuminating my path at the moment. I had my cell phone pulled out – the light radiates off it just to make sure I wasn't left in absolute darkness.

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