Big Red Velvet Bow

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 Chapter One: Big Red Velvet Bow 

December 7, 2014

The icy windows of a lonely, yet breathtaking church trembled as the three bells that usually announced mass rang. 

Gianluca Ginoble saw his frosty reflection in the window. It sure was one cold night and he sure was in the worst of moods. He took his job quite seriously, and if there was one thing he despised was the lack of organization and professionalism.

-Oh, c'mon Gian...please try to understand.- Ignazio tried to cheer him up.

 -I just don't think we should be here in the first place. We could've performed anywhere else but here and yet--

-I know. But you have to remember. Performing at this church is very important to Piero.- Ignazio interrupted him. Gianluca sighed. Piero's grandpa had brought him here once and since the old man had recently passed, Piero was devastated. He kept talking about this church and the memory of him and his grandfather for quite a while now. 

Before starting their tour, their manager did everything he could so one of their gig could be done there. It would be something small and not everyone could go, but big concerts would come along in the future, this was far more important. High members of the catholic church and other important figures where quite interested in attending, and so the event had been scheduled before their whole tour started.

 Everything seemed great, the only thing no one really took in account was the awful weather. It had been hard enough to arrive to a church so close to the mountains and to top it off, a part of their staff's flight had been cancelled. So they where counting on less people and that made everything slower.

-I'm just worried, you know. I don't like missing part of the crew. 

-I get it. Let's just do this, for Piero.- Ignazio answered walking towards the ancient door.- I'll be in my room, see you in an while.

Ignazio closed the door and went to his room across the hall. Everything was so rustic and almost medieval, just as every ancient church. The one part of the crew that had missed the flight was the one with most of their show clothes, so they all where a bit worried. Luckily, each one of them had brought a spare suit in their personal baggage. They weren't fancy nor flashy, yet, they would do just fine.

 Ignazio closed the door behind him, leaving what he thought would be a lonely hallway. However, from the shadows a small quick figure emerged. 

"Faster, faster, faster.", she thought as she tip toed her way through the hallway. She could hear the steps of Father Marco getting closer. He had forbidden her to wander around the church while they where getting ready for the event, but she was not going to miss the chance of attending the show. She had been dismissed from her chores 2 hours ago and she knew that if she came around later, security wouldn't let her in. She had been avoiding him, but she perfectly knew he suspected she was around. She found a door at the end of the hallway and tried to open it, but it was locked. 

-Why me?!- she whispered to herself angrily. From all the doors of this church, THIS ONE had to be locked. 

-Yes?- someone from the other side of the door answered. service?- she prayed to the heavens that whoever was on the other side of the door would let her in.

 -In a church?- the manly voice asked skeptically. She rolled her eyes. "Great, I got Sherlock's room." she thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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