05/24/18 - about my own restart

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A lot of times in my teenage years I dreamed about being confident and content in my own skin.A lot of times I felt the need to lose weight in order to be confident. A lot of times I got told to lose weight, indirectly or not, is not revelent right now. A lot of times I tried to restart. 

Right from tomorrow on, I will try to restart again. Lately I've been thinking that restarting is not a bad thing. Of course, in order to restart you had to mess  up, but restarting is something fresh. You give yourself the chance to make it right this time. You dedicate yourself to hopefully something good; an opportunity to grow as a person. 

Not knowing what is expecting me after my weight loss, I am so curious about what is going to happen or more over how I'm going to feel. Will I finally feel good in my own skin and will I be confident ? 

My restart is about restarting a healthy lifestyle. Back in the depths of my mind, I dream about being athletic and being regarded as athletic. 

Tomorrow I will restart and by June 29th I want to be ten steps closer to being athletic. The most thing that I want right now is to lose weight and I know that I will make it.

Never forget that every day you get the chance to start over again.And the only thing you need for that is willpower, dedication and conviction. 

Why am I doing this ? Because I want to live my life happy and be content with my mind, body and soul.


I have so much to write about and this is the only beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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