Chapter 24,25,26,27

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Chapter 24: The New War

1 Week Ago…

It was odd really. He looked at the old house, wondering how this dilapidated old building could have once looked so majestic. Riddle Manor. The home of his ancestors. He had nothing against them of course, they were upstanding citizens, quite wealthy as well. Then came the Gaunts. What idiots they truly were. The whole idea of pure-blood supremacy, it made him sick. It wasn't true, any of it really. Magic was magic, you were either born with it or not. You were either born with strong magic or weak magic, this talent or that talent. It was more a luck of the draw really. Sure, the more potent your parents or lineage were, the more likely you were to be as strong if not stronger, but in the whole scope of things, muggleborns or half-bloods could be just as strong, if not stronger.

Ian Velmordom, or Lord Venom as he called himself now, walked up to the front door, studying it before flicking his wand, causing it to open with a small groan. He looked behind him to see two of his Charms experts working on a Fidelius Charm around the house. It wouldn't do for the enemy to find this place. He walked into the house, seeing the dust and cobwebs all over. He sneered in disgust. He knew his father had been here for months, why he didn't order a minion to clean it up was beyond him. He would have some of his men clean it later.

Yes, he knew of his father. Tom Marvolo Riddle, or Lord Voldemort. It was only fitting that he turn his name into an anagram as well. He was surprised how nicely his name worked out. He had received it from his muggle mother. He had to use some Veritiserum and a few curses, but he finally got the whole story out of her. She had lived in Britain as a child. When she was eighteen, she had been raped by none other than Tom Riddle. His father had been bored one night on a muggle raid, and having seen her, decided to… entertain himself. He left her alive, putting her under a compulsion charm to never reveal what truly happen. Another charm was used to make her relive the horror three or four times a week in her dreams. She had never told a soul about that night, claiming to her mother, who happened to be out of town the day of the raid, that it was her boyfriend of the time that had done it. One thing happened that his father did not expect. She was pregnant. Wishing for a new life, she moved to America, where he had been born. His talent for magic had quickly become known and he began his schooling at the Chicago Institute of Magic. It was there he discovered his extensive abilities, where he excelled in magic. He was quite the gifted child, not only in academics, but in sports and social events as well. He was a quiet but powerful force on the Quidditch pitch, as well as a young man wealthy in loyal friends. He had always had a dark streak however.

His thirst for knowledge never lessened. He constantly learned, constantly improved himself. Nothing was too much for him to handle. He eventually delved deeper into magic, immersing himself in the darkest and foulest to the lightest and purest magic. He was addicted. After discovering his father, he planned to eventually align with him, to meet the man who so easily manipulated and defeated the world, until he met his end at the hands of Harry Potter. He had learned of his father's death through Igor Karkaroff. He had tracked the coward down and forced all the information out of his mind before disposing of him. He had learned how Voldemort had called for his Death Eaters, only to have been defeated not minutes afterwards. He read between the lines of the little information he was given. He knew exactly what had happened in that graveyard.

He knew that his father spoke of pure-bloods and how they were so great, but he also knew that his father didn't believe a word of it either. No, he couldn't have. His father was all about power. He used the old pure-blood family ideals as a means to get to the top. Once he defeated all the mudblood loving scum, he would have destroyed them as well. No, his father didn't want to rule. He wanted revenge. Revenge on a world that was so cruel to him as a child. On a world that left him alone. He had the same ideas. He too wanted revenge on this world. He of course wasn't alone, nor was the world cruel to him, but he saw the disease that was the human race. It was weak, deficient, uncaring, too arrogant to truly advance into an age of greatness. It disgusted him. He was out for revenge against the masses, revenge for what should have been.

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