Seeing Him With Your New Boyfriend

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Cameron - You're walking down a crowded street with your new boyfriend Luke with your fingers intertwined when you accidentally bump into someone. "I'm sorry" you apologise and proceed to keep walking. "Hey it's no prob-(Y/N)?" he looks down at you. "Cameron?" you say a little confused. "I, uh, I see you've moved on" he says and looks down at yours and Luke's hands that are clutched together. "Uh, yeah. I guess Luke's really helped me to learn to love myself" you reply and the awkwardness dries out the already minimal air around us. "Well, we gotta go now" you say and slightly tug on Luke's hand to start walking away. "Okay, bye. It was good seeing you again" he says somewhat disappointedly. You really want to say that back but you leave him with a simple "Goodbye" and you walk off back into the crowded streets.

Nash - You're sitting at home on the couch watching TV when someone knocks on the front door. You stand up and proceed to answer to whoever is on the other side. You open the door and see Nash standing there. "Nash? What are you doing here?" you ask, shocked. "I've come here because I want you back" he says. "I've realised that I was always happier when I was with you and now that You're gone I-life just isn't the same without you" he continues. "Nash I-" he cuts you off. "Please (Y/N) just give me another chance" he pleas "Nash I-" "What's going on here?" your new boyfriend Jayden comes up behind you to see what's happening. "Oh I see. I'm just gonna go then" he says and walks away and you slowly shut the door after watching him leave.

Taylor - You're at the mall with your boyfriend Zac when you see the last person you want to see, Taylor. And before you have time to quickly turn around and walk away he spots you and comes up to you. "(Y/N) it's good to see you again" he says and opens his arms to hug you. You get put on the spot so you accept his hug and he wraps his arms around your body. "Yeah" you say trying not to come off as awkward. When he thinks you're not aware of what he's about to do, he drops his hands lower down your body and just above your bum. "Hands off man" Zac grabs Taylor by the shoulder and lightly shoves him away. "No harm done" he says and puts his hands up slightly in the air. He winks at you and turns around to join back with his group of friends. You roll your eyes and bite your lip to hide the grin beneath your lips.

Jack G - You're holding hands with your new boyfriend Jamie when he all of a sudden stops in the middle of the street. As does another couple standing in front of us. "Abbie?" "Jamie?" "(Y/N)?" "Jack?" you see Jack holding hands with this so-called Abbie girl. "Who's Abbie?" you ask Jamie politely. "She's my ex-girlfriend" he replies and Abbie nods awkwardly. "Who's (Y/N)?" you hear Abbie ask Jack. "She's my ex-girlfriend" he replies and this time I nod awkwardly. Then the situation gets really awkward and none of us speak. "So, uh, we're gonna go now" Jamie breaks the brief silence between all of us and tugs on my hand. "Yeah, same here" Jack says and we both walk past each other. "What the hell just happened?" I ask Jamie. "I have no idea" he replies and we start cracking up.

Jack J - "Do you mind if a mate comes over soon?" your boyfriend Ashton asks. You two are both sprawled in the living room. "Knock your socks off" you reply and he pumps his fist slightly like a little kid. You laugh at his reaction. Moments later there's a knock at the door. "I'll get it" Ashton jumps up off the couch and opens the door. "Hey man" "Hey" they greet each other and you feel like you've heard this familiar voice. You turn around to see who it is and your eyes fall upon Jack. "Jack?" you say. "(Y/N)?" he says. "Wait, you two know each other?" Ashton scratches his head awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, we use to date" you say and blush a little. "Maybe I should go?" Jack says unsurely. "No, it's fine. I was just about to go out anyway" you reply and smile awkwardly before slipping past them and leaving the house.

Shawn - You and your new boyfriend Riley just pull into the driveway after running a few errands. As you walk through the front door you see Shawn sitting on the living room couch. "Oh my God! Shawn!" you scream and run into his arms. He holds you tightly and you let him. "Surprise!" he laughs and you feel like crying right now. "How did you-ah the spare key under the mat" you chuckle. "How come you're back?" you ask the question buzzing on your mind. "I thought I'd come back to see you" he says and smiles the biggest smile which contagiously catches onto you. "Just for me?" you ask, flattered. "Just for you" he says. "Hey, who's this?" Riley asks walking through the door finally. "My old boyfriend" you reply a little sadly. After Shawn left you never really felt happy, even with Riley. "I, Uh better go now. We'll catch up soon" Shawn says and leaves. Secretly you wanted him to stay.

Carter - You're walking around with your fingers intertwined with your boyfriend Ben when you think you see someone you know from a distance. You walk towards this person and pull Ben along with you until you notice who it is. Carter. And he seems to be holding hands with another girl. You slow down your pass drastically until you come up close to Carter. "Hey, Carter" you say and smiles a little awkwardly. "Uh, hey (Y/N)" he replies. "Ew who is this?" the girl holding his hands speaks rudely about me. "Excuse m-" "Calm down, she's a friend okay?" he interrupts me and rolls his eyes at her when she wasn't looking. "Looks like you've got yourself a keeper" Ben says and you couldn't help but smile. You bite your lip to stop yourself from chuckling. "I, Uh, I gotta go" Carter says clearly frustrated at his girlfriend and walks off leaving you standing and feeling somewhat awkward.

Matt - You're in a clothes shop shopping with your new boyfriend Alex. You're looking up and down the aisles of clothes when you make sudden eye contact with the boy you use to love. Still love. Matthew. His eyes widen and he walks into the shop your currently in and engulfs you in a hug. "Hey (Y/N) how have you been?" he asks. "Who's this?" Alex asks, not impolitely but a little irritated. "I'm her old boyfriend. Who are you?" Matts reply was the same as Alex's question. "I'm her current boyfriend" he smirks and Matt gets shut down. "Oh, I see. I should go then" he says. "It was nice seeing you again Matt" you smile at him. "Yeah you too" he replies and smiles back the smile you have always loved. Then you turns on the heel of his foot and leaves the shop.

Aaron - "(Y/N)" you hear someone call out your name but you can't see anyone you know. You're standing in the food hall alone. "Hey (Y/N)" someone pops up beside you and you startle getting a fright. "Shit! Aaron?" you ask. It takes a few seconds to realise who it was. "Ah yeah, (Y/N) I really miss you" he looks down at his feet and blushes a little. "Aaron I-" "You've moved on, its alright, I get it" he interrupts and looks back up at you. You nod slightly and curl up the corner of your lip. "Ready to go babe?" your boyfriend Liam says slipping an arm around your waist. "You really have moved on" he says ever so quietly you barely hear him. "Bye Aaron" you say and smile genuinely at him. "See ya" he replies and turns his back. You feel bad for what you did but you try to brush it off as much as possible.

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