Chapter 2 : the attacker

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"Jamie where you going?" I turn around just in time to see Zach fall right on his ass. I start to laugh as I walk over to him "dude," I extend my hand to help him up "your totally wasted."

"Am not, that side walk came up out of nowhere." I heard him grumble as he wipes the dirt off his butt. "Ok, sure." I turn around and continue walking, why did I have to park so far away. I pause; I didn't hear any other foot steps behind me. "Zach. Zach, come on I don't have all day!" I yell over my shoulder.

"But the party just getting started." Zach whined behind me. I turn around to face him "don't you want a ride?" I ask as I stare at his face.

Is he really drunk? I need to know if I should leave him here or just shove him in the car and hope he keeps his mouth shut.

He doesn't answer. "UGH!" I groan. He is getting on my last nerve that's not a good thing. Zach doesn't know I'm a spy or someone who works for the government. So he doesn't know that I know a pressure point on the small of the back, that if hit hard enough it could make a grown man go to his knees and beg for mercy. Also that I know how to kill him in 10 different ways from the position where in right now.

I give him a once over again before I decide that he's not that drunk, I give up and turn around, but not before I yell over my shoulder "then get a ride from your fuck buddy, just don't drive!"

"Fine!" I don't get 10 feet before I hear a thud and a string of curse words coming from behind.

I let out a laugh, that boy never ceases to amaze me. But don't put him together with Ian you only have to make that mistake once. It's like twiddle Dee and twiddle dumb are drunk and stoned at the same time and somehow the know the exact buttons to push to get you to explode.

I hear the music get louder then suddenly die. he must be in the club. as soon as I feel zach's presents gone, I continue to walk down the street where my car was, I think?

God, how much vodka did I have? The bartender said, what 4?

Hmm, maybe I shouldn't be driving after all.

Oh well I've been worse and still aced parallel parking.

I reach for my purse to grab my keys when hair on the back of my neck started to stand up. someone had me in view.

as a sniper you kinda develop a 6th sense, you always have to now where everyone is at all times all at once. so when we say someone has me in view it translates as they see me but I don't see them.

I hear bottles behind me fall over on the side walk as someone 'try's' to be quite.

A rustle comes from my left as I keep walking as if I don't notice the sounds.

Should I speak up and alert them that their fallowing a trained sniper or keep quite an-

"We know who you are and what you can do." well that answers that question. I turn around to face my attackers.

As I see their appearance it takes all my willpower not to burst out laughing. they all have black beanies over their heads and are dress in black. the only splash of color was smack dab in the middle of the black turtle neck. it read the 'spy team'.

"OK 'spy team'," I say using air quotes, "stop following me or you'll regret it" i say and turn around, starting to walk away. expecting them to stop since they know what i can do.

but no such luck as i hear their foot falls behind me. "i've never missed." i say to maybe get them to rethink their actions.

it works, i stop hearing their feet hit the ground. "What do you mean you've never missed?" one of them asks. a smirk forms on my face as i reach for my purse and feeling the tip of my fingers touch the cold metal, as my hand falls on the triger i smile to myself as it feels right.

"this is what i mean." i see the shock on their faces as they come face to face with my .38 caliber gun. "um.." the leader stutters "RETREAT!" he yells as they all run back to were they came from. I laugh as I wave my gun around.

No one threatens me when I have a gun and I like that. the feeling of power that washes over me when I point a gun. know that their scared. but pulling the trigger is some thing I hate. sure I'll threaten, but unless their a threat to society I don't pull the trigger. ever.

I don't like the idea of taking a life that could be saved. I don't know why I became a sniper. but that does do good in the field. I can shoot a leg to keep someone from getting away, and not have the threat of killing them.

As I put my gun away and go back to rummaging in my purse for my keys that I've forgotten. I hear footsteps behind me once again. I groan "didn't I make myself clear!" I say not turning around, not really caring.

I hear a chuckle behind me and I freeze my body like a statue, not able to move. there's fire on my body as someone's fingers travel up my side. I gulp. please don't let it be him, I pray. My stomach is in knots and my plams get sweaty as they stay by my side. his lips brush against my ear as he whispers "yes you did. and I thought I made my self clear as well. you're mine."


Hey tell me what u think thanks :)

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