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Bitch I'm back lol I just realized that,that's my title for the book just backwards....shut the fuck up I'm tired.

So today is Tuesday.July.1,2014 o.o <---Explanation:I have some shit due today ha...ha.....oops.I didn't do it because wellll I'm just gonna say this (BTW Yes I'm just starting to get used to YOLO so yeah I'm a loser -_- )YOLO!

So yeah I'm tired as fuck,worried and I want to read....really badly.Don't ask I think ever since summer started and my job got boring I've just...yeah Idek know where this is going so I'll just end it here and pick up later today *thumbs up* So it's not a short boring chapter.

PEACE OUT MOTHERFUCKER/S? ! (Ended at 2:01am It's "late")


Today is Wednesday,July.2, 12:48am 

And I have no idea where I was carrying that thought 'Music' for the title.Idk but whateverr who the fuck even cares lol

So Waffle bitch is here to talk because I'm tired and I can't think of anything interesting to say.

HEY BITCHES! I'm Waffle but you can call me Waffel,sounds cooler ^-^ So i have as much energy as Derek even though I didn't do much today which is shocking *whispers so you can barely read* re-happens-ev-y time 

NOPE HERE I GO! *sleeps*

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