Why Don't You Give Up?

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" You good, Prongs?"

Sirius - otherwise known as Padfoot - asked his best friend. Prongs - also known as James Potter - smiled dreamily, snapping out of it when Sirius snapped his fingers in front of his face.

" Yo, did you go off to Evans land again?"

Sirius teased, noticing the redheaded beauty a few tables away. James sent him a glare, making him chuckle.

" I'll take that as a yes."

James' eyes widened as he saw Lily heading to the table, a determined yet curious look on her face. She was holding up a love letter that James had asked Sirius to deliver to her the night before. Looks like she got it.

" Nice try, Potter. Cute dog, though,"

She sent Sirius a glare, making him hold up his hands innocently. Lily had figured out very quickly that Sirius' animagus and patronus were both a black dog.

" Why don't you give up?"

Sirius stiffened, looking at his best friend with wide eyes. James only studied Lily with honest blue eyes.

" Because I'm completely in love with you, Evans."

He replied honestly. Lily must have seen this and her eyes widened somewhat. She blushed a scarlet red, making Sirius chuckle quietly.

" I... um... thanks?"

She stammered, making Sirius only crawl away from their table, trying not to burst out laughing. Remus and Peter gave him strange looks as they entered the library, but he only pointed to where Lily was still blushing scarlet and James was just staring at her. Remus let out an amused snort while Peter made a small 'pff' noise before covering his mouth, his face turning red with laughter. Sirius turned around just in time to catch Lily quickly pressing her lips to James'. He gasped, his eyes widening until they were enormously large. Peter burst out laughing, making Remus laugh, making Sirius start laughing. As Lily ran off, still blushing scarlet, James sent a glare towards them, only making them laugh louder. James sighed, ignoring them and watching as Lily worked a couple tables away, occasionally smiling a love-sick smile at her when she looked back at him, causing her to blush even more. When James fell out of his chair, the rest of the Marauders howled with laughter, getting themselves a scolding and being kicked out of the library till they could stop. Except they couldn't. They didn't even notice Severus as he passed into the library, only to come out fuming a few minutes later. They didn't notice Bellatrix giving them odd looks while Narcissa raised an eyebrow at her cousin. They only stopped to pester James a bit later back in their dorms when he came back. Though they didn't stop teasing him. Not even after Lily and James were married and had Harry. They stopped when they heard what had happened to the head Marauder and his crush, though. And the few times they met Harry, they sat him down and told him the story of his parents' first kiss. And they all laughed together.

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