Gabriel Landeskog-One Shot for XxCountryNiallerxX

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I look down at my phone in disbelief and disgust. Two days before our three year anniversary, one month before we were supposed to be married, and he does this? He decides to call off the marriage and break up with me over a text?

I couldn't handle it anymore and I broke down in tears. I hated being alone and the man I loved more than anything in the world was gone.

"Are you ok, darling?"

I wipe the tears from my eyes and try to fix my smeared makeup. I look up to see the Colorado Avalanche captain, Gabriel Landeskog, towering over me, with a concerned look in his blue eyes.

"I'm sorry Gabe. I know I was supposed to interview you, and ask you how you feel after you and your team won the President's Trophy, but I can't. I'm just not in the shape to do that tonight, I'm so sorry for this."

"Darling it's okay. We all have rough times. Why don't I interview you instead?"

I let out a giggle, "Gabe, I'm not that interesting of a person, but if you really want to go for it."

Gabe ran his fingers through his golden hair and let out a sigh, "Why are you so sad beautiful?"

As soon as he said those words the tears began to fall again, I spent the next ten minutes bawling my eyes out and telling my sob story to Gabe.

When I finished I looked up at Gabe and could see the tears in his eyes.

"Oh my god Meghan, I'm so sorry. You don't deserve any of that."

"I don't know Gabe. Maybe I do. Maybe I'm not that great and deserve to be alone."

Gabe grabbed me by the shoulders and looked deep into my eyes, "Don't you ever talk like that again. You're an amazing girl and anyone would be lucky to have you. Danny is a fucking idiot, and I swear to god I'll kick his ass if you wanted me to."

I started to protest what Gabe was saying but he put his fingers over my lips.

"Meghan, from the second you got the job at Altitude and became our reporter, I fell so fast and so hard for you. You're the most beautiful and talented girl I've ever met and you have no idea how many times I wished that we could be together. I'm sorry if this is douchey since you just got dumped, but you have no idea how long I've waited to tell you this."

"Gabe, do you really mean it?"

"Yes, and if you give me a chance, I'd love to show you what real love is like."

I let out a giggle and smiled, "I'd like that Gabe."

Gabe blushed and kissed me on the cheek then whispered into my ear, "I'd like that too, Meghan"

A/N--- A little one shot for my best friend... First one shot I've written so sorry if it's kinda shitty... Let me know in the comments what you guys think, if you want a want shot, or message me... Love you all (:

Gabriel Landeskog-One Shot for XxCountryNiallerxXWhere stories live. Discover now