lee y/n befriends a group of boys that are new to the school later to find out their back story from a yearbook! will y/n fall In love with one of them and except who they are? well you have to read to find out
Y/n p.o.v Today we have new students coming to our school we don't know if they're boys or girls.the news is buzzing around school because it's only once in awhile that we get new student especially a whole group them
* The bell rings indicating that it was time for class*
I took a seat right next to my best friend Yuna the teacher walks in with 5 hot AF boys they introduce themselves as Jeno,Haechan, mark, ji-sung, and chenle .
They sat down in the back of the classroom a lot of girls were whispering and fangirling and a bunch of other weird stuff. me on the other hand was doing my best to ignore them so that I won't be caught up in the whole I will murder you if you mess with those hot boys extravaganza.
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