Chapter 6

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hey guys. I was supposed to go camping this weekend but it was cancelled so hopefully I can update again soon. I hope you guys like it and comment telling me what you think.


Chapter 6

Tristan's POV:

We finally got Peridot to agree to go home without us. We head to the mall looking for a dog.

We get to a small pet store and go inside and see the perfect dog. It's a black lab and it has icy blue eyes. I know it's gonna be a big dog but I don't think she will mind.

We get the dog, some food, a leash, a bowl set, and some special toys. She is gonna be so happy and not so lonely.

After we leave the pet store we decide to go shopping. Yes we are a group of guys that enjoy shopping, don't judge us.

We head home after about an hour. We walk in the house and the first thing we notice is the scent of an unfamiliar wolf. We search frantically around the house for Perry but to no avail.

I can't believe we let her come home alone! I'm such a fucking idiot. We all are. I think our best bet is to find out who this new scent belongs to. I know i recognize it. I've only smelt it once before.

It is then we all relize that it's Zack. We run outside, strip, and shift. I lead the pack tracking his scent. We need to find and save Perry. I can't believe he would kidnap her. He didn't seem like he would go to such extreme extent just to get her back.

I swear if it's the last thing I do that asshole will pay for all he has put her through. If he thinks he can just waltz back into her life without punishment then he has another thing coming.

Peridot's POV:

I walk into the house and see Zack sitting on the couch. To say I'm shocked would be an under statement. Before I could say anything he gets up and gives me a hug. I stand there just letting him. 

Snapping out of my mental state I attempt to get out of his grip. Unfortunately he is nearly twice my size and very buff. Him having Alpha blood just is icing on the cake.

" Look Perry, I as wrong to listen to my friends. I am so miserable without you and I don't want anyone else as my mate. Just please come back with me. I love you." You can only imagine the look on my face then. 

" Ok. 1. Don't call me Perry. Only my friends can do that. 2. Like hell I'll go back. I f you think you can just apologize then come back into your life then you are sadly mistaken. And 3. The only reason you love me is because I am finally happy and others actually want me. So back off and go fuck a slut like you used to." I was so proud of myself. The old me would hae never stood up to anyone, let alone an Alpha.

In his eyes I could see how hurt he was and I didn't give a damn. All I wanted was to be left in peace so that I could enjoy life and find a new mate. 

Before I could say another snappy comment, he shoved a cloth in my face. It was right before I hit the ground that I relized he just drugged me. Ya that is how you get someone to forgive you!

All went black as he picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the house.

I woke up with a pounding head ache. I was trying to remember what happened and where I was. I quickly relized I was in my old pack house. That made things come back to my memory. I was kidnapped by Zack because he wanted me back after he rejected me.

HE DRUGGED AND KIDNAPPED ME! As I take in my surroundings, I hear someone enter the room. I look towards the door only to find out it's Zack.

" YOU DRUGGED AND KIDNAPPED ME!?! Yep I'm so gonna forgive you now!" I roll me eyes. This has got to be the worst day of my life. How am I gonna get out of here. Then I remembered, I can just mind link the guys my location. I'm so smart. To hell with Zack, I'm gonna escape with my boys.

I try to call out to Jason, but I quickly relize that the drug Zack gave me makes my mind link go all wacky. I can't call for help and I'm too dazed to even get up. Great!

" I know this looks bad Peridot but you gotta understand that if we don't mate, I will lose you forever and I can't deal with that. I need you by my side for my whole life." He sounded like a desperate child.

" If you think for 1 second that I'm staying here with you then you are put of your fucking mind! Get over yourself and get over me cause we are never gonna have anything! DEAL WITH IT!" I tried to get up but I just fell back on the bed. That drug really did a number on me.

Within seconds I fall back asleep.


Thanks for being so patient with me guys. I'm really busy and just got my laptop to start working again. Anyways I hope you liked the chapter, I know I enjoyed writing it.





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