Chapter 1

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I walk back over to Amelia across the loud and crowded bar. I see her surrounded by a possy of boys who are all flirting with her, when I reach her I clear my throat "Amelia? Am I interrupting something?" She looks up at me with a grin on her face "Saskia! Yeah, we are gonna go to the new club Icicle, you're coming right?" she asks excitedly. I inwardly sigh, I've been expecting this, we go out together but then she gets lots of male attention and she ditches me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I get plenty of male attention but I shut it down faster than they can run.

One of the boys turns to me, I suppose he is quite cute, he has long blonde hair and green eyes. He has a kind of surfer dude look to him. He puts his arm around my shoulder and says "yeah you should totally come doll, we could have some fun together." He raises his eyebrows and I have suppress a grimace. I grab his arm off my shoulder and bend it behind his back shoving his face against the floor. "Don't touch me and don't talk to me. And never, ever under any circumstance call me doll. I will not be objectified." Ignoring his muttering I look up at Amelia "I'm not feeling well so I'm just gonna go home, see you tomorrow" I let go of the man's arm, stand up and wave goodbye to Amelia who is looking at the man on the floor with an amused expression.

I slump onto an alley wall just a few streets away from the club. I might as well start walking home, it's only half an hours walk. I've had too much to drink to drive although my head is still clear and my senses are good. Anyway, I wouldn't mind a bit of fresh air.

However, before I can start to walk I hear someone shuffling towards me. I slip my knife out of my purse and into my hand. Okay, so I have a knife in my purse, let's just say I can take care of myself. I struggle to see in the dimly lit alleyway but I can just about make out the outline of someone tall staggering down the alley. Judging on their build I'd guess it's a man. As he comes closer I can see he is well built and around 6ft 4. Taller than my 5ft 8, I note that he looks strong so I consider that front on assault wouldn't be the wisest choice if it came down to it. He continues towards me and as he gets closer I can finally see him. I contain a gasp, he has chocolate brown hair hanging just above his startling deep blue eyes. His sculpted face shows surprise when he sees me. I raise my eyebrow. He clears his throat but then stumbles. He would've face planted if I hadn't rushed foreward and grabbed his shoulders. I could feel his muscles rippling underneath his t-shirt although I try to ignore them. I also try to ignore the fact that he looks like a god. I look at his arm and notice that he's gushing blood. It looks like a bullet wound. His pale face shows that he must've lost a lot of blood. He's barely standing, he's leaning heavily against me so I wrap my arm around his waist and drag him to my car parked around the corner. I'm not kidnapping him I swear. He fights me to let go and mumbles something under his breath but I don't quite catch it. Finally he speaks "Get off of me I'm fine" he says straightening his self up but leaning heavily against the wall. "You don't look fine." I state, glaring at him. I speak the truth. His ghostly face is glistening in sweat and he is trembling slightly. Despite this, he manages to throw my a glare. This is what I get for trying to help. He grasps his arm and bits his lips and then looks up at me. I drag my eyes up from his lips, who knew biting your lip could be so incredibly sexy. I try not to blush when I meet his eyes. I quickly avert my gaze. "Look I will just take you to my apartment and clean you up and then you can go and sulk wherever you wish" I snap. I'm getting quite irritated by his attitude, I'm trying to help for gods sake. Why do I bother? I'm not exactly the kind of person who does stuff from 'the kindness of their heart'. "Fine." He mumbles. I roll my eyes and start to help him round the corner again. This is going to be fun...

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