Chapter 3

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I stand up suddenly, "You need to leave now" I state. He gets up and looks at me "Well seems like it didn't take you long to work out who I am. But, you're not running away in utter terror... Are you feeling okay?" he asks sarcastically. I snort "Me? Run away? Ha never!" I say gasping for air as I laugh. He frowns. I walk to the door trying to stifle my giggles. I've always had a weird sense of humour. He rolls his eyes at me. I open the door up and stop laughing. I look at him pointedly "Okay you're very funny. Now get out before I make you. " I state not a trace of amusement in my features. He looks at me, taken back as if a girl has never asked him to leave. Actually he probably hasn't, he looks like a man whore. He raises his eyebrows "As if you could make me do anything" he snorts. I narrow my eyes and let out a sigh. I walk past him when he make no sign of moving. I leave the door ajar and make myself a cup of tea.

I sit down on my sofa and turn the TV on. He is still standing in the middle of the room looking like a lost puppy. I don't think he has ever been so disrespected. He just stands there staring at me. I grin. He is probably a spoilt brat. As if on cue he opens his mouth "How dare you talk to me like that! I am the most powerful-" "Blah Blah Blah whatever just get out, I have more important things to do" I cut him off. He stalks towards me and stands in front of my TV. "Okay that's not cool" I hiss at him. He just smirks. I roll my eyes and get up. His smirk widens.

I walk towards the kitchen and I hear him follow me. I walk towards my knife block "Okay listen pretty boy, I don't care if you are a gang leader even if your the best in America. Even if you were the President of America I would still tell you to get out, or is your head too over inflated to hear me?" I see his expression turn stormy. I grab the biggest knife I have and point it at him "NOW GET OUT!" I shout to his face. He looks like he might as well have steam blowing out of his ears. "YOU WILL NOT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT" He turns and storms out of my apartment, he slams the door shaking it in its frame. I sigh and put the knife down. Well good riddance.

I open my bathroom door and look at the clock. Right it's 3am, I'm going to bed. I quickly slip into my shorts and top and tie my hair up. Finally, I rip my duvet off and collapse into my beds warm embrace.

Unknown POV

I sneak my way into her bedroom "Just cover her mouth with the cloth and she'll be out like a light" I hear James voice crackle through my earpiece. I looked down at the sleeping girl. I didn't know what she had done to piss of Gryff but she was in so much trouble. I almost felt bad. Almost. This is my job. She rolls over and I can see her face. Shes quite pretty. Her long black hair is splayed behind her and her plump lips look so inviting although from what I hear she has got quite the tongue on her. Apparently she managed to piss of Gryff quite easily, she even threatened him with a knife! Nobody stands up to Gryff but she had guts. Shame we now have to take her.

I lean forward and firmly place a cloth laced with Chloroform over her mouth. As soon as I do her eyes snap open and she struggles beneath my grip. I hold her down until her eyes start to close and I release my hold gently. Wrong move. Her eyes snap open and she kicks me in the balls. I leap away from her and shriek in pain. Before she can walk towards me she stumbles and finally succumbs to unconsciousness. They need stronger Chloroform...

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