The introductions

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This chapter is going to be based on Jungkook only. The next chapter will be based on Y/N. So, for this chapter only, there will be no Y/N for the meantime.

*Jungkooks POV*

I wonder how Y/N is doing, she must be greeting her new group. I'm nervous to meet mine... will they accept me? Will they like me? I hope so... what if they don't? Ah, positive thoughts Jungkook, remember what Y/N said: "Be brave and be yourself." I will, I promise!

Walking down the long hall with Bang Si-hyuk, Jungkook scanned through the corridor, looking from left to right as they walked. "Are you nervous?" Said the man infront. "A little bit... are they nice?" He asked the elder. "Don't panic too much, they are the sweetest boys you would ever meet!" He wiggled his head as he stopped outside a double door, placing his hand onto the metal door handle and pushing down to open it. "Ah! Pd-Nim! Annyeong!" Said a male, his voice deep and husky. Jungkook fiddled with his fingers as he followed behind the man who stepped inside. "Who is this?" Said another male, as Jungkook entered he was greeted with 6 figures. "This is your new member, your seventh member. His name is Jeon Jungkook, treat him nicely and take care of him. I will go get your schedule. Please introduce yourself to him one by one, do not be over excited he is a bit nervous. " The six boys responded "Ne!" and bowed to their manager, he exited soon and left Jungkook with the boys. He looked around the dance studio and hummed a bit. "Annyeong.. My name is RM. The groups leader and rapper. Pleasure to meet you." A tall male with black hair stated, he smiled and showed off dimples, Jungkook smiled and bowed to him to show respect. Soon, another male approached and stood infront of Jungkook with a wide smile and arms spreaded joyfully, " I am your hope, you are my hope, I am J-Hope! Great to meet you!" He spoke loudly and proudly, soon flailing off like the flower he is. A shorter male approached, he didn't have a smile on, he just looked grumpy, looked as if he just woke up too. "The names Suga, nice to meet you." Is all he said before walking back to the couch he got up from and slouching back. Hearing a "Tsk" noice, Jungkook looked to his left to see another tall male, he approached Jungkook with a heartwarming smile and looped an arm around Jungkook's shoulders. "Annyeonghaseyo! I am Kim Seokjin, just call me Jin. It's a pleasure to meet you." He kept his arm around Jungkook and smiled, Jungkook returned a friendly smile to the male.

Soon, another short but cute guy approached holding two water bottles, he offered one to the Jungkook and he took it. "My name is Jimin, I'm glad we have a seventh member now and you're handsome too! Welcome to BTS!" He said happily, you could tell from an instance that he has a humble personality, a charming one as well. In the corner stood another male who hasn't introduced his self yet, he was fiddling with his phone and looked less interested in greeting Jungkook. RM looked towards the male and coughed lightly, "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" He asked the male, the other looked around to Jungkook and then to RM. "Oh, right!" He gave out a silly smile as he soon came skipping to Jungkook and leaning forward, roughly being similar in height, he smiled widely. " My name is V, but my actual name is Kim Taehyung. I figure some of the others didn't tell you their actual names? Don't worry, they will when they warm up to you fully!" He stated, his eyes pierced into Jungkooks as he spoke, V had two sides of him; the cute side or the badboy side, they all did. But V's was more... brought to light? More visible with it. Jungkook bowed to him and then spoke up loudly, " Jeon Jungkook, it's a pleasure to meet you all too! Is it okay if I know what roles and lines you are?" The six males all responded "Ne." And then they explained what roles they were in this group. "Ohh, so Jin, V, Jimin and I are vocal line and Suga, RM, J-Hope are rappers?" Jungkook asked to confirm, watching RM nod. "V is the visual, too. And the lead dancer is J-Hope." Jin spoke out casually to Jungkook. Jungkook smiled and thought to himself, " These guys are pretty kind, though... I thought V was going to eat me up when he didn't introduce his self at first. The only one who managed to give a small fright was Suga, though... Hmm... Should I tell them about Y/N?" V stared at Jungkook, seeing as how Jungkook was smiling out of no where, walking past Jungkook purposely and repeatedly, he would soon stop to ask Jungkook: "What are you smiling about?" Jungkook snapped out of thoughts and looked to V who gave him a small fright from how close he was to him. "Oh, just... wondering whether I should tell you guys about a friend who also joined Big Hit... but in the girl group..." This caught everyones attention, they got up from where they was sitting and came over to Jungkook. "You have a friend who also joined here? The same day? Into the new group of girls?!" Suga broke out of his shell a bit and stared at Jungkook with slightly widened eyes and a gapped mouth. Jungkook rose a brow and smiled, "Ne. Have... you never met a girl before?" J-Hope laughed out to cover his embarrassment, "It's not that! It's the first girl group that Big Hit is making, so it is quite huge for us groups and soloists here in Big Hit. I am also certain that the girls could get popular within a heart beat due to them being the first girl group and it also depends on their talents!" J-Hope explained to Jungkook, the others nodded as they stood around with Jungkook. Jungkook hummed as he saw the boys waiting for his explanation of his friend. "Her name is Y/N, she is the same age as me, 15 years old. Our dreams were to become an idol, but we didn't know it would actually happen... We was just doing karaoke and Bang Si-hyuk and JYP found us. It was amazing really, but she performed Leon on me by Kasper first then I did The way you are by Yugyeom from Got7. She is the height of 5"6, she's really cute." The boys nodded as Jungkook spoke, smiles breaking out onto their faces as how he explained her. "She's my bestfriend since we were 5 years old, we went to the same school, the same kindergarten and we lived nearby eachother. We also snuck out when our parents said we cannot go out and we'd meet and hang out." Whilst he was explaining, the door opened.

Bang Si-hyuk returned and looked around to see the boys getting along well. "I am so proud of you all! Not only are you good at working through hard tasks but you're good at making friends too!" He wiped away a imaginary tear which made the boys all laugh. Bang Si-hyuk looked up from his clipboard and towards the boys, "Right, so... Your debut song.. you need to practice your dance, teach Jungkook too. Your dance teacher will be here soon. Then, when you've done the dance, I need you all to teach Jungkook the lyrics, RM I expect you to help the most as leader. " RM nodded to the manager and smiled. Bang Si-hyun hummed happily, "I am going to go see how the girls are doing, please focus!" The boys bowed and responded "Ne."

(Jungkook's POV and Y/N's POV are apart of the chapter: Memories, the story will begin after Y/N's POV section. )

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