Girl in the hoodie

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Finn's pov

I was with my band doing sound check in the stage, we have a concert today and we have some guest then we sang some of our songs

While im singing i look up in the chairs in the back and i saw... I don't know if it's a boy or a girl but it have a black hoodie her feet is in the seat of the chair it looks creepy i think then we finish the song and i turn around and face them

"Guys did you saw it?? There was sitting in tha-" i look around but then i saw nothing...

"Finn are you okay?" Ayla ask worried

"Maybe we should take a break" malcolm said and tap my shoulder and we went to the backstage

Am i illusinating? I saw that but then it's gone...

Y/n's pov
"Mom I don't want to go!" I said and sit in the couch with a cross arms

"You need to because you've been in your room all week!" She said and fixing her stuff "you need to go outside, so you're coming with me" she had her hands in her hips

"But!" She cut me

"No buts, whether you like it or not you're coming with me that's final." I sigh "so go change we need to go" i run to my room

I wear my black oversize hoodie with an small alien face on the left chest and wear my blue jeans and wear my old skool vans. I put down my hair and i pull up my hoodie

"Okay let's go" mom open the door of the car and she drive to the arena while im in the passanger seat staring at the window

We arrived to arena. My mom is the one who work here, in the sounds and everything we walk to the room

"Hey mrs. Y/l/n and.." the girl greet mom

"Y/n she's my daughter" i look up to her and smile a little and i never pull my hoodie down and my hands is in the pocket. We heard a strum of a guitar "are they already doing some sound check?" Mom ask

"Yup" she said mom turn to me

"Maybe you should look around honey and if you get hungry there's some food in the corner of the hall okay? Love you" mom kiss my head and i walk to the hallways until i reach the stage.

I saw this boy with a curly hair with a serious face he is so cute. He starts to strum in the guitar

Damn he looks so good while playing...

I decided to watch him far so he can't see me i put my feet in front of the seat of the chair and cross my arms, i watch them

I think he saw me because he is staring straight at me and wondering who am i. The song is done and i got bored i walk back to the room i think it's the dressing room mom saw me but i just sit in the chair still my hood is in my head. I open my phone and start scrolling to Instagram

I heard the door open and closes and i hear noises and of course mom...

"Honey put the hood down" she said sweetly but i ignore her... she pull down my hood and I rolled my eyes im about to put my hood back but then i turn to the boy who i saw in the stage he is cuter when you look at him closer

He's staring at me i smirk at him and put the hood back in the head and walk out because im hungry!

Finn's pov
We walk to the dressing room while they're talking but in still quiet i look up and saw...

It's a girl! She's the one who watching me far in the back! She still have her hood in her head but mrs. Y/l/n said

"Honey put the hood down" but she never listen still scrolling to her phone mrs. Y/l/n pull the hood down...

Damnit! She's gorgeous...

I stare at her and she rolled her eyes but the notice me staring at her I can't look away it's like my eyes are glued to her. She smirk at me and put her hood up in her haed and walk away


"I think someone has a crush" jack tease me i blush and stay quiet

"Awe... finn really you have a crush at my daughter?" Mrs. Y/l/n said sweetly. She's the sweetest ever you know that? I'd like to be her son bu then.... wait!

"You have a daughter? I never know that!" I said in shock

"Yeah she's y/n... you never know because she always wants to be in her room all day... she doesn't have friends either... idk why" she said sadly

"Oh okay maybe i will try to be friends with her... you know mrs. Y/l/n she's gorgeous" i said she look at me in awe

"That so sweet of you finn... and I agree she's gorgeous but i never heard that someone is courting her" she wondered

Now, someone gonna court her mrs. Y/l/n

"Im just going to get some food" i said and walk to the corner of the hall i saw her fingers in her chin deciding what to get "the donuts are good maybe you should try them" i said she look up to me and i can't see her eyes i put my hand in her hood "can i?" She nodded

I pull the hood and i got lost in her e/c eyes i touch her neck and rub my thumb in her cheek to her jaw line

"You look perfect and gorgeous" im still staring at her eyes she blush I slowly lean down

"Uhm.. thank you" she move away and look at the food

"Im finn wolfhard" i said she smiles at me

"Y/n" she said then while were eating were talking some things and i also got her number I named her 'girl in the hoodie💓'

"Finn we need to get ready" jack said and i nod i turn to y/n "see you later? Girl in the hoodie?" She giggle and she stand up and kiss me cheek

"See you later curly" i blush and walk away

I fell in love with her...

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