Chapter 3

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Alyssa wasn't even shaken.

Their generation had grown up on the Stab movies and the true stories that surrounded them.

She would admit that it surprised her that someone would do such a thing, kill another person. She couldn't imagine doing such a thing, to force a blade into someone until they were spilling their own organs, how much force would even be needed to do something like that? She shuddered slightly.

Her brown eyes scanned the halls and she watched as people whispered to each other about the murder.

"She was a whore."

"Slut got what she deserved."

"Bet you the whole Stab angle is just a cover up."

"Yeah! I mean who wouldn't wanna off the girl, she's been making trouble around here since last year, it was bad enough when she was an annoying freshman,
could you even stand to think what would have happened if she'd made it to her senior year?"

"No, she woulda been knocked up by then."

"Thought a STD would get her first."

The voices swam though her ears and set her teeth on edge. She hadn't personally known the girl.
And yes she knew the sophomore had been whoring around, everyone knew it since she wasn't the most subtle girl out there.

Even so! They were acting like she had deserved to be butchered like an animal! No one deserved that. No one.

She sat in her first hour class, English with Mr. Storms and waited. The chattering about the deceased girl continued.
Anger continued to wash through her for several minutes until she could not stand it anymore.

She stood, glaring at everyone and a challenge was burning in her eyes.

"Mr. Storms may I make an announcement?" he nodded his head and she strode to the front of the room, she was surprise that her steps didn't light the floor on fire.

"What is wrong with all of you?" her voice shook with fury and she locked her gaze on the empty desk in the corner. One that had not been vacant the day before.

"Sidney is dead. She was brutally murdered by a psycho and the only thing any of you have to say about it is that she was a slut!
Don't you care that she was taken from her family?
Don't you understand that she is gone forever? She was a student here, a person just like any of us." Her voice was lowered but it seemed even more powerful than before.

"She should be mourned not spoken about like she deserved to be killed. What you are saying is that she deserved it.
And by saying that, ever insult that you make towards her now is like twisting the knife that killed her even deeper.
You all might as well have stabbed her yourselves, or have stood over her and watched as she died.
She's dead now.
You all should respect the severity of this situation and even if you didn't personally care about her you should respect the loss that the people who did are facing.
And kindly shut the hell up."

She sat back down and silence trailed after her. Some whispers resumed as the class commenced, but no one whispered about the deceased girl again who had once occupied the desk in the corner.


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