Professional Or Not

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ELSA: There must have been a mix up somewhere

BLUE: But her walking, charisma, body meet the standing criteria. What do we do?

CANDY: So why do you want to work for Royalty

BRITNEY: I want to work for Royalty because I want to be like you

CANDY: me?

BRITNEY: yes you, you are my role model, my mentor, I love you Candy Kings

CANDY: (Smiling) you're in

NICKI: what? Why?

ELSA: next

BIANCA: I am Bianca Knowles and I'm 22 and I want to work for Royalty because I love the way they always stay at the top without giving up their first position.

BLUE: impressive. Thank you very much

NICKI: (leaning on her fist) I do not see why I'm here. I practically know nothing about this

"So this was bad upon the fact that I had to work till late on a Saturday with no break, my erudition enemy was audition for my show worst of all Candy likes her. I have to find a way to remove her by all means. After the screening we all gathered in the conference room to finalizes the result"

CANDY: I like Britney

BLUE: I like Kat

ELSA: it's not about liking it's based on their performance okay

NICKI: and I say Britney goes

CANDY: what? Why?

NICKI: missing criteria (pointing at Britney's profile) high school student less than 20 and those are the two most important criteria

CANDY: it doesn't matter

NICKI: if it's like that then (looking through the list) Alicia Bride and Dawn Ferris would have to be on board too and I can't have that.

ELSA: well Nicki has a point there

CANDY: I'll be responsible for her no matter what. Just approve her.

BLUE: well, she is quite good though

ELSA: true

NICKI: I'll think about it. When is the next meeting EL?

ELSA: on Tuesday

NICKI: okay, so we'll hear the verdict on Tuesday. I'm out please I need to sleep (stands up and leaves)

CANDY: EL, Britney has to enter no matter what. It's not just because she likes me, I know a good talent when I see one and that's why royalty is where it is today, we can at least bend our rules to stay on top right?

ELSA: I'll try and convince her

AUNT JENNY: Nicola come back here

NICKI: Aunt Jenny I'm so sorry I was lost in my thoughts I didn't see you. How was your trip to Italy? (hugs her)

AUNT JENNY: it was good. I really had time to rest but I missed my babies

NICKI: we missed you too

AUNT JENNY: I mean Charlotte and Charles III

NICKI: yes you mean the dogs' I'm sure they missed you too

AUNT JENNY: did you miss mummy (talking to the dogs)

NICKI: okay I'll just be in my room

(Knock on the door)

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