Chapter 2 - "Wait, wait, wait!"

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"So, are you ready to go?" Chris says, his gaze creating butterflies in my stomach.

"Wait, wait, wait! I need to take pictures!" Mom shrieks desperately. I roll my eyes at her tendency to become so melodramatic.

Chris and I stand in front of my house, trying to get into place for the photo. We stand next to each other and I can feel the knot in my stomach intensifying as Mom takes the picture with a big smile on her face.

"Ok guys I'm done here. You can go now. Bye sweetie!" she says in that same cringey sing-song voice.

"Bye Mom. I'll be back by 10:30." I say, giving her a quick hug.

Chris and I walk to his car, an awkward silence filling the air. Trying to stay positive, I attempt to open up I conversation.

"So...are you excited for the dance?"

Seriously? I say to myself. That's the best you could think of?


"I wonder what kind of music they"ll play. What's your favourite type of music?"


"Do you think they"ll accept recommendations?"


At this point it's pretty obvious that Chris is getting annoyed. I decide to leave him alone.

The rest of the journey to school is made in silence. Not a comfortable silence, where you are silent because you feel like everything that is needed to be said has already been said, but an awkward silence, where you either don't know what to say or are too scared to say want you want to say.

I resolve the issue by brushing it off, hoping the rest of the night goes well.

When we arrive at the gym hall it's evident that there was a lot of effort out into this dance. I gasp in awe as I take in my surroundings.

There are streamers flying from the ceiling, a long food table that looks delicious, well-chosen decorations that are scattered amongst the tables and a professional DJ and lighting with great music.

I couldn't believe my eyes. This was the kind of school dance you'd see in the movies. It was perfect.

Or so I thought...

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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