Chapter 1: Arise of the Assassin

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?????? P.O.V

 For those who don't know me....I'm Ashley. Yup no last name. Unless you would want your last name to be " Princess of the Universe" then I have no last name. My hobby or well career is being an....Assassin. Want to know why? Well even as a kid I thought this would be a nice hobby. Me and my friend....Buizel, well I call him Buizey. We thought about either becoming police officers together, or Assassins. But, sad for me.... half my family was killed by some random people for absolutely no reason!! Sad thing my dad thought it would be best to move. I had to leave my best friend behind who was also my crush.......and still is. But enough about me....and gotta run! Did I mention the police are after me and the rest of my family? All we do is kill people who kill other people.

Buizel's P.O.V.

Well another day, another strike. These Assassins are good. Huh.... just thinking about that word makes me think of...... her. Ashley to be exact. I never got to tell her how I feel about her. " Dude they said that the head Assassin went this way!"Said my best friend and co-worker Hawlucha. He's helped me with it all. " Kay!" I yelled back to him. Well this should be interesting.  Why do we have to chase these Assassins. They only kill the terrorist and muderers. Nothing more...nothing less. Well bye!

Hawlucha's P.O.V.

Well..... man is this annoying?! I mean the Assassins help us! Why must we do this?! When this is over I am going home! Goodbye!

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