Chapter 2: All in a day's work

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Charm's P.O.V

Yay! My life is a bit messy....but it is still fun. I'm one of the members of the living half of Ashley's family. Sure we are sad that half was killed and daddy got arrested after 2 years. But we can hold together!! Oh! Got another job! Hey! This time it's a robbery!! The person is harmless really!! No killing today!!! Yay!!!

Ashley's POV 

Well... new day, new things to do.... FINALLY FOR ONCE I DON'T HAVE TO KILL SOMEONE!!!! Might as well go and stop them.

Time skip

Stil Ashley's POV 

Well we gotta go! Police are here.......Buizey? Yeah....I know that face anywhere.... so he did become a police officer. Why did I just run past him? Literally right by him. Why on earth did a piece phone number???!!!! CHARM!!!!

Buizel's P.O.V 

The Assassin just went past me. And dropped something." Hey! Watcha got there?!" My co-worker again. " Nothing!" I hid the paper behind my back. Man is he nosey. What is this anyway? It's a phone number? With a nam- Ashley......the Assassin is........ Ashley...... wow.


Who here agrees it's not all that good. I guess I'll see you next chapter.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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