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We can see he/she talking to one girl
Girl: Sir I had done wt u said ( and said everything wt she had done)
He/she with evil smile gave money to the girl: Good ur job is done, but u should not be alive who came to know about me
Girl shocked and was about to say something but was stabbed

Before dying she said: Don't be happy fr long theses deeds will lead to ur end and said something which is shock to that person, and take her last breadth

He/she: I should be more careful, he will cone here

But these were seen by someone who was shocked and ran from there afraid of that person

Scene 2
We can see same person from scene 1 was standing near the two cars and was talking to goons (it is deserted place)
Person: Wt u will do I don't know this should done correctly no mistake should hpn if it Happenss then u all will....
Goon1 confidently: sir u give this work to correct person
They discuss some plan

This was heard by one girl who came there fr shop and hides somewhere

Scene 3

How is it
I can't update the next part now
I know all will be waiting sorryyy
Wait till 16 May after that I will update

Leave ur comments frndsss

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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