Which outfit should I wear? How should I do my hair? Ugh I don't care anymore! First dress I get I will wear it then I'll find some shoes to match! Oooooh not a bad dress . I actually love this one. But what hairstyle hmm. I'll go with any no one will even notice me! Ok well It is party time. Wait... were are my car keys. Oh yeah, they are in my handbag. Let me get them and go to the disco. Got them! Time to go.
How far is this disco seriously! Is it even worth it? No one will even notice me. Well I will try to make friends. Finnaly I'm here. Wow this place is huge. Time to go in I can do this. Ok there are the doors. Oh My Lord this place stinks. How will I survive this night? Here goes nothing! So many other people mostly boys.