may i frice you a question

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An onslaught of children's screams echoed around the room.






The voice that asked the apparently terrifying question laughed. "Me too, kids!" (They collected a few of the children's tears in a bottle for the daily Frice cult meetings. Frice the Dicer nodded in approval.)

"So here we are!"

 The merciless person stated "That one in the corner is my favorite- here, let me zoom in

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The merciless person stated "That one in the corner is my favorite- here, let me zoom in."

"Also, this one is pretty good too

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"Also, this one is pretty good too."

"Next page!"

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"Next page!"

A few tears shed later, the metaphorical demon (how does that work? They didn't know either.) finally got a good picture.

And more tears of the damned, of course.

But that'll be in the next chapter, for the demonic... thing (was it even a human?) had to eat dinner first.

Not that they were complaining. The muffled screams of the children were really getting on their nerves.

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