chapter 5: The hang out

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Colby's P.O.V

I had gotten sams number and an hour later he texted me.

Sam ✔: meet me and some of the boys at the park, I wanna introduce u to new people.

Me: Alright, be there in ten.

I shut off my phone and sighed happily, I thought I'd never gain friends this quickly, every school I've went to *cough 12* it took me at least a month to make friends, and a week after becoming friends they'd ditch me for their girlfriends.

I arrive at the park and I see brennen, Corey and Sam. I also see someone with a beard, well a stubble and another dude with bleached hair. (I don't know if Jake's hair is still bleached, but for the sake of this story I'm gonna make him have bleached hair.) Sam notices me and soon after brennen does too. Sam runs over to me and smiles. "H-" he grabbed my wrist and drags me over to the area of grass where everyone else was. The Bleached dude smiles slightly at me and the guy with the stubble waves. I smile nervously and I feel brennens hand on my shoulder. He smiles and whispers into my ear "don't worry they won't bite" we both break into laughter and Sam and Corey look at us with concerned/weird looks on their face. Sam soon starts laughing too but Corey just stands there really confused. "Did i miss some thing?" He looks around and the stubble dude just shrugs while his arm is around the bleached neck. "Anyways," Sam breaks the laugher while wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. "This is jake" he points to the bleached one. "And this is Elton" he points to the other. I wave and they smile.

"Who wants to film a vine?" Sam breaks the awkward silence. "YES" they all say and i just sit there confused. (Lets pretend colby doesn't know what vine is 😂) "What's a vine?" They all go wide eyed and brennen has his mouth hung open with a defended look on his face. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT VINE IS?!?" I get startled at his yell and laugh. "Nope" he drops to the floor. "Boy have u been missing out" Sam adds. "I've never really used social media besides Insta and Twitter..." I say to defend myself. "Bullshit, saying as you don't know what vine is means u don't even have those apps" Elton says bursting into laughter. "It's true!" I act defended and pull out my phone. I show them my very best picture with high quality and sam blushes...odd.
"What are u, a model?!" Jake says grabbing my phone. "You might just turn me gay" brennen says as he takes the phone. "Guys, come on, my pic looks like shit" I say laughing. "Are you blind?!" Corey adds to the argument. "Clearly, because all I see is my ugly ass face" I laugh. "I'll teach you what a vine is" Sam pulls out his phone and taps an app with a 'V' on it. I look over his shoulder. "So, all you have to do is film a short comedy video and post it." I shrug "seems easy enough" i nod. "But it isn't" brennen butts in. "You have to plan out what your gonna do, and if you mess up you need to start the whole thing over even if you were close to finishing" he grabs his phone out. "See, here is one of mine." He shows me a video with Corey and him. I nod. "Me and colby will do one right now, Elton, brennen, jake and Corey go do your own" Sam shoo's them off and I bite my lip.

Sam's p.o.v

"Okay, so we need to find an area with a pole, and we need some sunglasses." I say looking over at colby. He gives me a confused look. "We are gonna do a vine about blind people, don't worry, it's not defensive, all we need to do is, The first part your gonna say, "Hey look" and I'm gonna look over and say "wow, they must think their so cool" and roll my eyes, and we're gonna set the camera down and walk around in sunglasses clueless and I'm going to run into a pole and you get startled, okay?" He is trying to process all that but shortly after he nods.

It took us about two tries but we got it right! It went as we planned. Colby looked over my shoulder as I typed the caption "what should be the caption?" I ask looking at colby. He thinks for a second. "How about 'sunglasses don't always mean you're a tool' with #blind?" I smile widely. "That's perfect!" He smiles accoplishmently and I type it in. I post it and soon after I get a notification saying brennen, Corey, jake, and Elton had posted a vine. We watch it and burst into laughter. They click our video, and immediately start laughing, we can hear them even though they are a mile away. We laugh to ourselves and meet up with tthem.

As we are in the car we decide we want to go eat. "What about the habit?" we nod and Elton continues driving. We walk into the place and the waitress immediately gives colby love eyes. For some reason, that makes me feel jealous. Colby gives her a weird look and looks at me and winks. I blush. "What would you like to eat, handsome?" She asks colby. He rolls his eyes. "Hamburger and fries" she writes down the order. "And you?" She asks Elton dimly. "The same" she writes it down. She then gets brennens order which is just fries and jake gets the same, then she comes to me. "Hey cutie, what about you" I blush and look at colby, he seems jealous. I roll my eyes at her. "I'll just take what he has" I point at colby and she nods. She then takes Corey's order and heads to the cook. "I'm surprised she didnt flirt with brennen" colby says holding back a laugh. "Yeah, that's unfair" he says with a fake pout. Colby laughs.

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