fortnite (part one)

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You were playing Fortnite in Ethan's room while he was out getting food.

Ethan doesn't know you play Fortnite, but you're actually really good. You've gotten Victory Royale's before and you can definitely shoot a gun.

You keep this a secret from Ethan and everyone else since you're a girl, and you would get judged.

Your username on Fortnite was SniperSavage and you've been going viral across the internet and online. People have been posting about this "mystery player" and they've been wondering who it is. Little do they know it's you, a girl.

When Ethan got back you instantly turned off the tv and went downstairs. You ate food with your boyfriend and watched movies with him.

the next day ...

Ethan was playing Fortnite while you were Facetiming with him. He didn't know that you were playing Fortnite as well, while he was on the phone with you.

"DAMNIT!" He yells,

"What's wrong?" You ask. You didn't need to ask Ethan what was wrong. You had just killed him in the game.

"There's this player going around that goes by SniperSavage, they've been killing everyone lately, they just killed me."

"Ugh Fortnite again, gross." You acted as if you hated Fortnite, and that it just distracts Ethan, in reality, you love the game.

Ethan laughs, "Whatever."

"Wanna come over?" You ask.

"Yeah yeah i'm down. On my way right now." He says. You watch him get up and end the call.

You decided to finish your game before Ethan came, you continued playing.

"Shit." You whisper to yourself, someone was shooting at you, "Fuck offfffffff." You finally kill them, "hell yeah."

12 minutes later ...

There was one more person left in the game, Ethan wasn't here yet so you continued to try to win.

You found the last person hiding in their fort, so you built up high and started sniping them. They started shooting at you and your health was going down fast. You placed down a launch pad and jumped on it, you flew onto the persons fort, placed a trap in it, then hid. You placed the trap on the roof of the fort, so as the last player came running, he wouldn't see the trap, then die.

You saw the person come running towards you, then you watched him get killed by your trap.
#1 Victory Royale ! popped up onto the screen.

"YESSSSS!" You spin around in your chair in excitement,

Then see Ethan.

Leaning on your door frame, staring at your screen with a look of shock on his face.

Author's Note

ethan dolan - imagines Where stories live. Discover now