The Car

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    I looked back at my mom and dad, mom clutched dads shoulder and tears ran down her face.  I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from yelling out to them, i knew that would make matters worse. When I couldn't see them anymore I turned to my aunt.

    "How long till were there?" I asked even though I have been there about five other times.  

    "Seven hours not including bathroom breaks, and food stops." I groaned and took out my journal.

    June 18, I wish my parents didn't make mr leave for the summer , I wrote, then i wouldn't have to be in a car for seven hours going to a place i don't even want to be. My handwriting was worse than usual due to the bumps and turns in the road. I reread the journal page checking for spelling and grammar errors, I figured that that was fine for right now and slid the journal under my bag.

    "It looks like rain, if your hungry we can-" I shook my head, "Okay then. You should get some rest, we have a long ride ahead of us" I lay my head on my bag and fell asleep to patter of rain on the roof of car.

     The next thing I knew I was awake, about to ask my aunt where we were. I looked out my window and didn't recognize a thing, there is no deserts in michigan, right? I leaned forward to tell my aunt she took a wrong turn somewhere... But she wasn't there, something else was. I couldn't even say what "it" was all I knew was that I was scared. Really scared.

     I felt my heart skip a beat as I looked out the front window, we were heading into a- I felt a gentle hand shake me.

      " Common Julia! Wake up!" I opened my eyes and sat up to see what was wrong.  I cautiously looked around.

     "Is everything okay?" I asked, she looked at me nervously, nodded, and focused her eyes back on the road. I looked out the window at all the trees surrounding the car. It looked like the rain stopped awhile ago but i knew the storm hit around here to because the road was pretty much drowning in puddles. I opened the window and a burst of wind rushed inside.

    "How much longer?" I asked. She just ignored me and turned onto another dirt road. I anxiously looked out the widow as we turned into the driveway of the old cottage.


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