c. five

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Harry opened up his garage and grinned to Niall when Niall's jaw dropped. Niall raced inside the garage, amazed at all of the different cars, touching them to see if they were actually real. You never know, Harry is rich enough to set up holograms. The fact that Niall thought that made him want to hit himself.

"Hey, uh, Niall!" Niall spun around to face Harry, who was opening the passenger door to the car. "We are using the blue one today!"

"Do you even know the brand?" Niall asked, walking over to the car.

"No, I just buy the coolest looking ones," Harry admitted with the same stupid smile on his face that he has whenever he teases Niall.

"Well, they definitely look... cool."

Niall climbed into the car, mumbling a "thank you" to Harry and admired the seats of the car. He can't say he's ever ridden in a car. In fact, he thinks the first time he ever stepped into one was when he was being taken to Harry's house after the Picking.

"Y'know, the Picking is still going on," Harry told Niall once he got the car started and was out of the garage. The gates swung open- Nick was standing in the window, watching them leave, so he probably opened them- and Niall and Harry were on the road.

"Do you know if any of the other men that are Picking are gay?" Niall didn't know why that question had come to mind, but it did, and there was no taking it back now.

"I'm sure there are tons," Harry sighed, his eyes locked on the road and both hands on the wheel.

Niall had seen loads of pictures of Harry Styles driving, but once you're actually in the car with him, it's a lot different. Although Harry had a black jacket on, you could see his built arms and his built torso through the tight black and white striped shirt he had underneath it. And when Harry stared at the road in concentration, it was honestly... hot.

Niall never thought he'd find a man driving a car "hot."

"Yeah, but... why..." Niall didn't know if he should ask the question that was on the tip of his tongue or not.

"Hey, I told you, you can ask me anything."

"Why was it... Such a surprise that you Picked a man?" Niall cringed when he said that.

He personally didn't think it was wrong. He had always been accepting towards his sexuality since he was about 12. It would've been a shame if a girl had Picked him, but he doesn't need to think about what would've happened because clearly that didn't happen.

Harry gave a sigh as they hit a red light. He turned to Niall and gave him a small smile, but there was a bit of sadness in his green eyes.

"Niall..." Harry's voice trailed off, hesitating. "It's... wow. I don't have that good of an answer."

"I mean, it's not like it's against the law or anything..."

"Not anymore."

"So why's it a big deal? Can this ruin your career?"

Niall was suddenly scared. He didn't want Harry Picking him to ruin Harry's dream. He knew all about his career from the television in the Picking house. He knew how famous Harry was, and how talented of a singer and songwriter he was.

"No," Harry said quickly. "It's just that-"

A car honking from behind them cut Harry off and he sped quickly through the intersection, having missed the light turning green.

"It's just that, well, I'm not viewed as gay."

"Is there a certain way you have to look and act to be viewed as 'gay?'" Niall was a bit frustrated. Was Harry not okay with his sexual orientation?

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