TBH, they're soooo easy and fast to make! As much as I want to do a dozen, I'll have to decline due to space running low.
Anyways, I'll be taking the first five! Need an example? Look at the media. (Font used there is Savoye Let Plain)
Fonts available:
Academy Engraved Let Plain, Anile, American Typewriter, AppleColorEmoji, AppleSDGothicNeo, Arial, Avenir,
Baskerville [personal fave], Bodoni Svty Two ITCTT, Bradley Hand ITCTT, Chalkboard SE, Chalkduster, Cochin, Copperplate, Courier, Damascus, Devanagari, Didot, Diwan Mishafi, Euphemia UCAS, Farah, Futura, GeezaPro, Georgia, Gill Sans, Gujarati Sangam MN, Gurmukhi MN, Helvetica, Hiragino Sans, Hira Maru ProN, Hoefler Text, Kailasa, Kannada Sangam, Kefa, Khmer Sangam MN, Kohinoor Bangla, Lao Sangam MN, Malayam Sangam MN, Marker Felt, Menlo, Myanmar Sangam MN, Noteworthy, Noto Nastaliq Urdu, Optima, Oriya Sangam MN, Palatino, Papyrus, Party Let Plain [also persona fave], Ping Fang HK, Ping Fang SC, Savoye Let Plain, Sinhala Sangam MN, Snell Roundhand, Symbol, Tamil Sangam MN, Thonburi, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Zapf Dingbats ITC and I can't read the last font but it basically looks like Savoye Let Plain but more spacier and a bit more strokes.Most come in bold, italic and semibold versions as well! And WOW that font list is long!!
. : : Form : : .
Image: (please send a link)
Text: (make it short for best results)
Font color:
Any specific embellishments: (borders, etc.) (also please send a link here if this is neccessary)And if you want a random one, theeen you better give me a theme.
These requests should be finished in an hour tops, and these are also for free! First come first serve, though.
RandomThe continuation continues! You can never stop me from making art! Meow~ :3