Chapter one: Juanita

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I woke up to my alarm clock shouting words at me. "Clap along if you fe-" i hit my hand on the snooze button. That song had well gone over its limit of being played. I scanned my room with my dark brown- almost black- eyes. I smiled at the sight of my book bag, giving me inspiration to drag myself out of bed and take a hot shower. Afterwards i threw on a pair of jeans and a black Doctor Who "Allons-y!" Tee. I made my way down stairs avoiding pictures of my mom. Dammit! I thought. I told dad to take those down.

I sighed as I reached the bottom of the stairs only afterwards to inhale smoke into my lungs.

"Yuck!" I sputtered, and began to cough

My dad appeared from within the smoke handing me a cup of coffee.

"Was it Juanita again?" I asked nodding towards the smoking toaster.

"I don't think she likes me" he said as the grouchy toaster flipped black toast into the air.

"She doesn't seem to like anyone" I said. "don't you think we should get a new toaster?"

"Shhh! She'll hear you!"

We both started laughing.

That was the typical Robert Welch for you. Crazy, cuddly and creative. In the beginning he wanted to put his thoughts down on paper and became a writer, and a pretty damn good one too. I remember watching him write, he was so focused on his beautiful work but after the accident he couldn't support us like we were before, so he is now almost done school to become a lawyer. My dad a lawyer? It's pretty weird.

I sat down by the island with a bowl of cheerios in one hand and the cup of coffee in the other. The smoke had mostly cleared, which made the kitchen bearable to consume food in.

"Hey Abby, I have class today. Do you mind walking home from school?" He asked his deep blue eyes focused on the newspaper as he sat down beside me.

I swallowed a mouth full of cereal and spoke.

"Yeah I don't mind, I was going to go to the library anyway so I'll just take the bus."

"Okay just don't stay out too late" he said pausing his reading to take a sip from his Boston Bruins mug.

"I wouldn't even dream of it" I said teasingly and left the house grabbing my book bag on the way out.


Hey so I'm a new account here on wattpad and this isn't the first story I have ever written but this one is new. So I hope you guys like it so far:D and please leave comments about the story and what you think:D

Thanks- Sofia:3

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