Essay Contest-II

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Captain Rajveer was returning from his recent trip. He was little bit exhausted. Whole day driving jeep wasnt an easy task and he'd gone away just after returning from his classes two days ago. He was a soldier but that doesnt imply him being a super soldier. He were a captain, only captain...not captain america! If he were captain America, all indian girls would've been gone gaga over him. How he was going to handle all fangirls lingering around and hovering over him? Who knows!

As he was about to enter into his room, he hawk like sharp eyes caught something.

There was a file lying down just close to his door. He noticed it and picked it up. In an army academy, files're lying out there....and none cared! Unbelievable.. this made captain slight angry. How can someone be this irresponsible?

He scanned the file upside down. 360° view of file told him that file consisted only of some papers....may be some important documents.. still it was lying down on the floor! He took a mental note of giving orderlies a lecture later on being some alert and respinsible. He was there... only for it.

Travel made him tired. The best way of feeling fresh was taking shower. He rushed into the bathroom.

That important file was lying on rajveer's coffee table.

This file contains some crucial information about....
Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat.
It's requested to the person except above mentioned captian not to open and read the contents in it...
Its highly confidential.


Subject: Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat ❤

Raj thought what in the hell was this heart sign doing there?

Captain Rajveer is product of apollo manufacturing company in clouds. Just one single look of his, and Great news...I am dead at the spot. Yeah he has got killer looks..

When he lifts his eyelashes just to spare a glance over things, I so badly want to fall through that surrounding. He looks at everyone and stops where he had started. Why he stops, anyways? 

His eyes are not ordinary ones his eyes're microphone of emotions. Those sea like eyes conveys all messeges hidden beneath his walls.

He never sneak a peak. Am I medussa to turn him into stones by a mere glance direct into eyes?


Captain Rajveer usually calls out for cadets and I just stare at him. My body stops functioning. Gone were the days when I was having good night sleep. Nowadays I am having worst nights ever. Sleepless long nights with images of a set if lips roaming in front of my eyes.

Thise lips are perfect example of delicate entity in a rock like demenear. Look at his expressions and then at his lips.. You'll forget what was he saying?

I want those lips all over me. I want them to show their wave like character and spread ever my curvature and manifolds. I so desperately want to capture those lips and suck all juice from them. Still I can bet they'll be full of life and sweetness.

What do you eat captain for being so full of sweetness? God'd stop moving those linear but curved lips of yours, they give me very bad..let me mention once again-very baddddd.. thoughts.

Captain Rajveer is made in heaven by those pure and delicate hands who're responsible for spreading beauty and tenderness all around the world. What thing I can choose other than his hands! So I am gonna describe why I love to ogle at those perfectly shaped and abs contained hands. That humerus and ulna with radius ...god what special did you put in creating those hands?.

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