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Back to present...

One night, as usual both Arnav and Tanu are looking at the moon and talking...


Tanu: And then we went for shopping.
           And do you know something... I think Arun also like Neha...

Tanvi: Yes akka... you are right I al-
Tanvi spoke back as a replay but Tanu doesnt look back at her, then only she understood that she was not talking to her...

Tanvi: Akka... are you not talking to me???


Arnav: No, who told I was talking to you both.

Rudy: My dear big brooo... plz kindly tell us what do get by talking the whole day events to moon everyday???

Cherry: Rudy... this is what is called love...

Rudy: To Moon????🙄 that looks funny....😂😂 so now I want to call moon Vadina😂😆😆.

Arnav: Rudy... dont you think your jokes are now a little bit boring...

Cherry: No no Arnav.. I think he has a point... Moon Vadina...

Both of them burst out of laughing....
Arnav made a face... and looked back to moon...

Arnav: You dont understand...

Rudy: Is it.. then make us understand...

London and India mix...

Tanu: Do you know, this moon... he is all above us...

Arnav: He can see everything, everyone from there...

Tanu: Also my soulmate...

Arnav: He will tell my stories to her..

Tanu: And mine to him...

Arnav: It knows how he looks like...

Tanu: So that when I finally meet him, it will help me.. The moon will say...

Arnav: Its her... to whom you have been waiting for... its your love..

Tanu: Your soulmate.. for whom your birth is happend.

They both continued to watch the moon for some long..

Tanvi: Akka... I think you are behaving like a typical Indian girl...

Tanu: Its because, I am a typical Indian girl..

Tanvi: Fine... okay now come lets sleep.. tommorrow we have a party at Rana's house, forgot??

Tanu: Oh my... I forgot...thanks for remainding me...

Tanvi: Accepted, come and sleep now.

Tanu: You sleep... let me call him once.

Tanvi: Okay..

Tanu took her phone and dialed Rana's number.

Tanu took her phone and dialed Rana's number

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Rana: Hi tanu... how is you?/

Tanu: Good Rana.. preperations done??

Rana: Almost... the rest in morning, little bit tiered...

Tanu: tired?? Then leave it Rana, tommorrow we together will clear it out

Rana: Fine..

Tanu: okay, take rest. Good ni8

Rana: Gd ni8.

She cut the call.

Rana( to himself):  When you are with me, I strong enough. When will you understand it Tanu...

He smiled....

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