Chapter 1

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-Midnight, city of Kyirath-

Wind and rainfall pelted away at the enormous skyscrapers sticking far out into the sky. A thousand lights illuminated the sea of concrete, steel and glass. Stretching far and wide were buildings of various sizes, from gigantic corporate controlled skyscrapers and factories, to tiny little corner stores and antiques. Streets with lamp posts and colorful, bright neon lights were filled with people who were hurrying back home, or searching for a roof to hide from bone freezing storm. Enormous holographic screen ads hanged suspended above the streets displaying various fast food advertisements and body care products. People hurried past shop showcases filled with various dresses and costumes. However the reflection of the said humans looked different, some of them didn't even look like your average humans. Various colors of the hair ranging from black to pure white, red, blue, green, couple of them were even mixed. Horns, pointy ears, cat or even fox ears, swaying tails, some even had wings.

Those said people, paid no attention to others around them, their eyes, in various colors as their hair, were hurriedly looking around to find some form of roof to hide from the onslaught of cold water coming down on their heads. When all of the sudden the ground beneath their feet began to tremble, sending some people on the ground. Far above the rained down streets and heavy traffic, a top of a skyscraper exploded, sending out a shockwave of air around it. Heated glass rained down to the streets below as pillars of smoke rose to the sky.

"This cannot  be happening again" An old graying man, with fox ears of the same color as his hair, grumbled under his nose as his white mustache moved along with his mouth "Another freak battle, the damn government should restrict such battles in a city" He was pushed by a bypassing woman. He took a step away from the street to give more space to people who started crowding the streets to look up at the burning building.

Bunch of whispering and talking ensued "Wow, this one seems serious" "Who do you think is fighting? " "Could be sorcerers, or demi gods" All of the murmuring in the crowd ceased as another tremendous explosion erupted from the top of the building. A pillar of dark orange light shot through the emerging smoke as a being shrouded in dark cloth and long, white, feathery wings barreled right after it. Right behind him another being came out of the burning building, seemingly running on air, small circles of orange light shooting out of his feet with each step he took. The white winged person stopped rolling in the air and steeled himself, his wings flapping in the air quickly, his posture seemingly unaffected by the raging wind and water pelting against him. His pursuer ran to a stop not too far from him, circles of rippling light holding him suspended in the air.


Today was a good day for Lin, he was overflowing with happiness. He was about to gain nigh infinite knowledge from an artifact that he worked so hard to acquire. He was finally going to become an omnipotent being and join a circle the gods. The real ones, not the self proclaimed, know it alls who can blow things up. The only problem was, his precious ascension device was currently in the hands of a very annoying elite angel sent from the said gods themselves.

"You know that they won't accept you" The angel spoke, his voice harsh, cold and unfeeling like the raging wind which was blowing against their suspended bodies. "They don't accept mortals,especially peasants and greedy one's such as you" He spat the last part with venom in his voice. His hand squeezed a small black cube which held enormous amounts of knowledge.

Lin's coal black eye's we're currently focused on the small cube in the angel's palm. He spoke out loud against the wind, his voice taunting and gravelly "Right, right, you speak of greed, yet you probably plan on taking the cube for yourself once this is over".

The angel was shaking with anger. He snarled at him "How dare you, I would never betray my own kind!"

Lin shrugged, a wide smirk spreading across his face "Sure, look at Lucifer, he turned out alright, I'm sure you will too"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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