OUAT Chapter 15

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Previously on OUAT

Lily's POV

All of suddenly, door open and quickly, Snow take her bow and arrow, Prince Charming take his sword, same thing with Killian, and I changed into 4 paws blue stripe with white fur wolf................................


Lily's POV

It revealed to be Zelena. She told us "oh awww what a Charming family, Captain Hook and ugly wolf". In my mind, I was like "why did she keep called me ugly wolf"? Snow White told me it ok to change back into human. I did changed back into human. I told Zelena "what do you want from us?" in sign language. She told us that Emma need her father to give her away at her wedding. David told her "please tell Emma that I refused to give her away." in sign language. Zelena told him "ok, I will be glad to tell her that". She disappeared quickly. I told them that I will be in my room if they need me, and they told me "ok, are you okay?" in sign language. I told them "yeah.." in sign language. I go into my room and got lost in my thought.

Killian's POV

I told Snow White, and Prince Charming "is Lily acted weird"? They told me "yeah, maybe she feel stressed about her final battle next two or three years later". I told them "don't she should be happy instead of stressed"? They told me "well, that final battle is one of her biggest burden, because she is the savior, and everyone, included us depended on her to get our happily ever after ending to our stories". I'm little concern, and worried about Lily, because I don't want her to feel that burden. I told Snow White "what should I do to make your daughter happy"? She told me "maybe take her out for a walk later or something, otherwise I don't know". Snow White told me that she will go and check on Lily. I told her ok, go and tell me how she do.

Lily's POV

I'm settle on my bed, write on my journal about final battle. I know that all savior in the stories died in order to save the town. I'm afraid that I might have to died in order to save everyone and become their savior. I'm also afraid that I might never get my happily ever after ending to my story. I also write about Emma and Neal's wedding, because I think their love is complete fake and stupid. I admited that I'm afraid that I might never see my mother, father, and Killian, because of final battle. When Snow White enter and ask me "could I come in?" in sign language. I told her "yeah, sure." in sign language. I give her my journal. She told me "are you sure?" in sign language. I told her "yeah..." in sign language. She read the page that I write today, and she told me "are you afraid?" in sign language. I told her "yeah, because I spend whole of my life with Emma without parents, and I....I" in sign language. I start to break down into cry and she told me "do you want Killian to be here?" in sign language. I told her "yeah, you, and father." in sign language. She told me "ok, I will call them here." in sign language. She left, and few minutes later, Killian, Father, and Mother come in and hug me. Killian told me "I know what you go through, cause I'm in similar situation as you." in sign language. They continue hug me until they make sure that I am alright.

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