c o u r a g e

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On my way downtown, walking fast..
and I am really late for work. I woke up late because of that assignment I have to finish. Yet the deadline is haunting me, literally having a nightmare of getting fired and being homeless.

My mom would freak out being in that situation..

But putting that exaggerating thoughts aside, I rush to get my keys on the counter and quickly exited the door. My whole life depends on this assignment and I might get scolded by my irritating boss who is being.. demanding?

No, that's not the right word for him.. Ah! I know!

Control freak, I snap my fingers triumphly at my own vocabulary and I kept my pace fast and steady, panting to the next corner and headed to the intersection. People wonder around me, some with friends, some with relatives, or mostly they are alone.

Define control freak, equals my boss. Ugh.

Thinking about it makes me walk faster through the pedestrian, I notice that the light is green and I have ten seconds to cross for it, people stops walking and I had the guts to cross the lane. I look left and right, just taking precautions, and notice that not a single car coming through.

"Okay, good" I sigh in relief.

I check my watch, 7:45 am. I still have fifteen minutes left to get to the office. I can make it on time.

As I walk down the lane, a man grabs my elbow, and I snap back to look at him, I felt the breeze blows my hair out of my face and I can see his gorgeous crystal eyes. He seems like around my age, wrinkles around his eyes when he kindly smiles to me, cute dimples too. I notice that he is wearing a suit, it makes him look respectable. Not respectable enough for stopping me to cross the road.

Now's not the time to ogle this man Rory, remember what Uncle Tony would say: stranger danger, bloke's a wanker.

"Miss the light is turning red soon, you have to wait or death will come upon you" he said, that British accent of his so smooth and velvety.

Death will come upon me?  Nope, I'm running late. Death can get me if I don't get to work on time.

Of course I didnt get to say those words, I just glare at him and took my elbow back and kept on walking. He catches up on me and I notice that there is a truck coming through to us.

Oh wow a truck, where did that vehicle come from..

I heard the honks that the truck is coming nearby, but I don't give a damn and I'm already halfway through crossing the street. I kept on walking fast, getting nearer on the other siden of the street.

The people are staring at me and at the corner of ny eye I see the 'respectable' man walking behind me. Geez, the truck is just five hundred meters away and you can cross from that within ten seconds.

Unless you have the balls to do it.

"Miss, be careful-"

I have the balls.. why doesn't he have?

I scoff at him which made him shut his pretty lips. I also notice that the truck is getting at us.

I glare at the truck driver and he notice my death glare, I pointed the traffic light that it's still red and I have five more seconds to cross the street. The driver's eyes widens at my look with shock and confusion.

I give him the look 'I-have-the-lights-dude-it's-still-red-and-I-can-cross-with-it- because-I-can-so-better-slow-it-down-or- my-mother-will-sue-you-for-killing-me-and-get-arrested-beating-the-red-light'

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