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I yanked the teeth of the pocket comb through my hair and my beard.  It was almost 2200, and I needed to channel my wife like I always did since her death. I couldn't let her down now, not like I regretfully did when she was alive. I sprayed my favorite bottle of 212 Men NYC quickly, letting the particles fall and settle on my body. I had no time to spread it; I needed to get going. I fastened my tie, making sure that an organized tie complimented the "king of the house" look. I was the leader of this family, and I sure want to keep it that way.

The sound of vigorous tapping on the dinner table and inclining tapping on the floor wasn't a huge concern for me. They could wait. I didn't teach my children to be rude and obnoxious. Now, if they taught their children to be rude and obnoxious, truth be told that it was not my problem. But, they will not step foot into this house with a sickening tone.

I raised my head high and let my posture become firm, steadily walking out of the bathroom and into the dinning area, right foot in front of the other. I skimmed the dinner table to see silence as the rest of the family had settled. I continued my original pace to the end of the table, my reserved seat. No one dared to sit there, or they'd be expecting a lesson involving rattling veins and leather belts.

"Boa noite." I began, which mean "good night" in Portuguese. By tradition, everyone responded back in unison. I followed up with an emotional talk with my first wife, the one that birthed most of my daughters. She began talking to me, and I repeated what she said to the rest of the table. A single tear traveled its way down my left cheek.

I pointed at my two daughters sitting at the table. "So, it's time for me to channel your mother." They nodded.

"She has started off by saying that she is happy that we are all here today to celebrate this day. She isn't happy, though, by how we only visit each other one day out of the year. You know why? Because we fight so much in this family. All we do is argue. All we do is stab each other in the backs. Ever since your mother, or grandmother, died, this family has broken apart. Sister is going after sister, daughter is going after father. Why? We were never like this and all of a sudden, we a pushing sharp knives into the backs of our own family members. We are a family. A family, if you miraculously didn't know, is a group of people who love and support each other no matter the cost. Remember that!" I cursed. The utensils, plates, and cups jumped after an impact hit the table from my hand.

You could hear the insects buzzing in the dark night coming from the balcony. Everyone just sat there, wordless.

"Now, let us pray." I demanded and I lead the Christmas dinner prayer.

After that, I commanded the beginning of the exodus to the kitchen. I went up to the food table and grabbed the first plate. Under my breath, I murmured, "Hopefully, this emerald heals its cracks."

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