This piece if text is about my favourite person, my favourite person is my nana and she means the world to me. So in this price of writing I am going to write why she is important and some of the things I loved to do with her.
The reason she means the world to me is because she is kind, caring and is extremely loving and so much fun.
One if the things I loved to do with my nana was to sleep at her house on a Saturday night and sit and watch the television - the thing I really loved was for her to play her music and we would dance around for hours in the kitchen.
Also one of the fun things we did was the next morning after sleeping at hers we would bake buns or biscuits or even a pie and we would have it for tea.
The thing I miss most is her smile and the way she spoke her smile was alway so pleasant and happy ; the way she spoke was always so gentle and sweet.
I also miss the endless hours of talking about what had happened and the strange thing was that we always had something to talk about.
I loved doing all these things but unfortunately she passed away a few years ago but I know that she will always be in my heart and she will always watch over me and my family.
That one special person
General FictionThis piece of text is all about that one special person that was once in my life