Chapter 1

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Hmm. Just finished sending my application form to YOLO. If I get this job, I'll be flying to UK then I can finally visit France. I have always wanted to go to France ever since I was little. Ever since Dad died, Mom had forgotten about me existing.

I wiped a few tears that escaped my eyes. My phone beeped which meant I got a new tweet.

ANHoranFan: @SteffyAdams Hope you get the job at YOLO. Love you! Give me a shoutout? xx

SteffyAdams: @ANHoranFan Thanks. Love you too!

Hmm. Better get off internet. I pushed myself to the back of the chair. Imagine. If I'd get this job, I'll get to visit Ally and mom and France.


"Hello?" I spoke through the phone.

"Can I speak to miss Steffany Adams?" the woman spoke. What is this about?

"Speaking," I bluntly said.

"I'm Anne Martin. Secretary of Mr. Taylor. You're application form has been chosen. You'll be working in YOLO starting next week," she informed.

"How about my tickets? Will I like pay for it?" I asked. Please, I don't have money in my hands.

"We got you plane tickets already. Well, its actually first class. Your sister has been kind to pay the fare. The tickets will be delivered to you tomorrow. You'll be staying at a 5 star hotel in London," she informed.

"Well, ok. One last thing. What's my room number?"

"It's 831 in Building A."

"Wait! Building A? Its like presidential and only celebrities with lots of fortune live there."

"Your sister booked the room. She just told us to inform you. Are there more questions?" she asked which kind of sounded rude to me.

"No. Thanks." The phone hung up. My sister is amazing. She's the best.


I'm now walking in LAX airport. Finally making my dream come true as I helped my sister gain her dream.

I passed the different stages as I like to call them. Well, I love improvising and doing lots of random yet weird things. I sat in seat 34 of the First Class plane cause its what Ally got me.

I sat down calmly. Plugged my earphones in my trusty phone. Ally gave it to me. I sat there quietly waiting for take off. I know people will sit beside me cause I'm in the middle of the three seaters. I guess that's what you call them.

I checked my Twitter through the app. Hmm. Looked at my mentions. Wow! 856 mentions. First time in Julia History. Silence filled the air as I was waiting for people to get in the plane.

"I don't want to sit beside a stranger!" a teenage English boy whined.

"It's just for a few hours," another English man spoke. I think he's Irish.

Now, I was set beside this curly haired boy with green eyes and the boy in stripes. Hmm. The two seemed sad. Oh. What do I care? Its my ride so I care only about me.

I was reading my mentions when the boy in stripes poked me and my privacy. 

"Is there a problem?" I rudely asked. 

"No. Its just that I don't know you yet. I'm Louis Tomlinson from One Direction," he said. Wow. Nice connection you made. It made a very rough wavy line. 

"Oh that. I guess my sister has a lot to do with this. I'm Steff. I heard of One Direction though but I didn't really know you yet," I introduced. 

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